Intervention the Government',but insisted that the Imperial authorities must provide adequate garrisons to hold the line,'for I do not think Her Majesty's Government would approve of our being committed to hold any other position than Shanghae itself'. Hope was confident both that the Chinese would provide forces capable of holding the towns when recaptured,and that the projected campaign was merely anticipating the wishes of the home government.31 At the end of April 1862,therefore,substantial British, French and Chinese forces began their attacks on the rebels within the line proposed.It proved easier to capture the towns than to hold them for,as Bruce had feared,the Chinese garrisons to which they were handed over proved incapable of defending them against renewed rebel attacks.By the beginning of June the situation around Shanghai was back much to what it had been before this clearing campaign started. Despite the urgings of Hope,Staveley refused to renew it during the summer months,and was content to hold Shanghai itself and the river approaches,concentrating meanwhile on training Chinese forces for a new campaign in the autumn. The pressure on Shanghai in fact eased considerably without further British action,and by mid-July Staveley was able to report that'the rebels have ceased to give any annoyance in the vicinity of Shanghae'.*2 From information received from Europeans in the silk districts,he added,the bulk of their force appeared to have gone towards Nanking,'which city is pressed by a force of Imperialists'.This was in truth the situation,the Loyal King having been recalled urgently by Hung to assist in the defence of the capital.It therefore proved a much easier task to clear and hold the thirty-mile limit when the campaign was renewed in October.33 It is apparent that the thirty-mile-radius policy was very much the creation of the officers stationed at Shanghai.Bruce gave it qualified approval before it was first applied in May,but the idea certainly was not his,and he was later very critical of it.34 The Foreign Office really did nothing more than acquiesce in the scheme.On May 6,a week after the campaign had actually started,it agreed that action by British forces up to fifteen or twenty miles from the forts was allowable,and by July 10 it had got as far as permitting action 'not extending 121rP9rervc刀 矽f@刀 伍e Govemmen吨 but insisted that the ImpeⅡ al authoriues must pro诚 de adeq"nte garⅡ sons tO hoId the Ⅱne,‘for I do not think Her M旬 esty’ s Govemment wouId approve of our behg cO1nIn⒒ted to ho1d any other position than Shanghae itser’ 。 Hope Was cOnfident both that the Chinese wou1d provide forGes capable of holding the to、 vns whcn recaptured,and that the pr耐ected camp西gn was merely antiopathg the wishes of the home government.a1 At the end of AprⅡ 1862, therefore, substantia1 B蛀 ush, French and Chinese forces began their attacks On the rebe1s Ⅵ泛dⅡn the Ⅱne proposed。 It proved easier to capture the towns than to ho1d them for, as Bruce had feared, the Chinese garⅡsons tO which they were handed over proved incapable of defending then1 against reneWed rebe1 attacks。 By the beginning ofJune the situation around Shanghai was baok Fnuch to what it had been before this cleaⅡ ng campaign started. Despite the urghgs of Hope, staveley refused to reneⅥ / it duⅡng the summer months,amd was contemtto hoId shanghai itser and the riⅤer approaches, concentrating meanlvhⅡ e on tra血ing Chinese forces for a new campaign in the autuIlul。 The pressure on Shanghai in fact eased considerably、 〃ithout fur伍er Br北 ish acton,and by mⅡ ˉJuly Staveley was abIe to report that‘ the rebe1s have ceased to give any allnoyance in the ¢oⅡty of Shanghaσ 。:2 From informaton rec⒍ved from Europeans in the sⅡk districts,he added,the bu1k of their force appeared to have gone toWards T叮 ankhg,‘ lvhich city is pressed by a force of Imperialists`This was妞 truth the situation,伍e Loya1King haⅤ ing been recalled urgently by Hung to assist in the defence of the capita1. It therefore proved a mu0h easier task tO Glear and hold the t11irtyˉ mile Ⅱm扭 when the camp缸 g且 was renewed in October。 3: It is apparent that the thirty-lLlⅡ eˉradius po1icy was very mudh the creation of the omcers stationed at Shanghai。 Bruce gaⅤe it quaⅡ ned appr。va1before it was nrst applied in NIay,but thc idea certain1y was not his,and he was1ater vcry critica1of ⒒。扯 The Foreign oⅢ ce really dⅡ nothhg more than acquiesce in the scheme. On May 6, a 、veek after the can△paign had aotual1y started,it agreed that action by British forces up to nfteen。r twenty miles from the forts was a11owab1e,and by Ju1y 10it had got as far as per1nitting action‘ not extendhg 121
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