ADOLESCENT SELF-ESTEEM AND ADULT DEPRESSION 331 Variable 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12131415 SPA 144 085.090312 ime 器 器 蒙 都 器 留 热 器 极 二16 0%279,48.p<01.C-992 RMSEA0a0 initial levels of how positively they see themselves.More e l03a) mportant,significant the variances of the level parameters were significant for all ve included gender in the lgm three constructs,indicating that participants differed in their models.Model fit continued tobe good for all three RMSEA0300CI023037: 001..RMSEA026 (90.033D.We Level in self-est Change ghe f-esteem than f Variable M Variance M Variance元c rance (B= 0D).and academic 01).Howe no significant gender escence tence, 2 (39)  79.48, p .001, CFI  .992, RMSEA  .026 (90% CI [.018, .034]). Table 3 presents means, variance esti￾mates, and the level-change correlations for each of the three constructs. The results demonstrated increases in both global and domain-specific self-esteem across adolescence. Moreover, the variances of the level parameters were significant for all three constructs, indicating that participants differed in their initial levels of how positively they see themselves. More important, significant variances were found for each change parameter, suggesting individual differences in change. That is, participants differed in the shape and direction of their devel￾opment. For our second research aim, we included gender in the LGM models. Model fit continued to be good for all three constructs: global self-esteem, 2 (46)  109.81, p .001, CFI  .987, RMSEA  .030 (90% CI [.023, .037]); physical appearance, 2 (46)  100.65, p .001, CFI  .988, RMSEA  .028 (90% CI [.020, .035]); and academic competence, 2 (46)  91.94, p .001, CFI  .991, RMSEA  .026 (90% CI [.018, .033]). We found significant gender differences in self-esteem level; males reported higher levels of global self-esteem than females (  .21, p .001), as well as more positive perceptions of their physical appearance (  .22, p .001), and academic competence (  .22, p .001). However, no significant gender difference emerged for the change parameters. Thus, adolescent females have lower self-esteem than males but follow the same trajectory across ado￾lescence. Table 2 Correlations Between Global Self-Esteem and Domain-Specific Self-Esteem Variable 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Time 1 1. SE — 2. SPA .597 — 3. SAC .504 .315 — Peer popularity .144 .175 .124 Body mass indexa School grades .085 .090 .312 Time 2 4. SE .578b .422 .353 — 5. SPA .447 .518c .292 .597 — 6. SAC .399 .249 .523d .508 .403 — Peer popularity .123 .105 .078 Body mass index .092 .222 .078 School grades .112 .017 .245 Time 3 7. SE .512 .384 .299 .585b .513 .384 — 8. SPA .419 .474 .177 .421 .654c .339 .605 — 9. SAC .341 .203 .423 .391 .333 .576d .529 .436 — Peer popularity .091 .125 .036 Body mass index .052 .164 .029 School grades .032 .030 .194 Time 4 10. SE .454 .385 .272 .522 .448 .317 .626b .455 .460 — 11. SPA .382 .366 .227 .435 .589 .286 .489 .690c .295 .583 — 12. SAC .271 .188 .373 .306 .224 .448 .377 .347 .570d .511 .346 — Peer popularity .044 .064 .109 Body mass index .083 .097 .025 School grades .047 .032 .233 Time 5 13. SE .348 .267 .201 .465 .383 .255 .530 .418 .364 .582b .471 .377 — 14. SPA .334 .385 .175 .417 .571 .286 .491 .681 .277 .529 .740c .374 .596 — 15. SAC .232 .128 .301 .309 .216 .413 .331 .304 .563 .432 .304 .659d .460 .369 — Peer popularity .066 .052 .027 Body mass index .011 .156 .050 School grades .035 .069 .205 Note. SE  global self-esteem; SPA  self-esteem of physical appearance; SAC  self-esteem of academic competence. a Body mass index was not measured at T1. b The stability coefficient is SE. c The stability coefficient is SPA. d The stability coefficient is SAC. Table 3 Model Estimates From the Latent Growth Models for Global Self-Esteem and Domain-Specific Self-Esteem Variable Level Change M Variance M Variance rL, C Self-esteem 3.59 .642 .301 .031 .401 Physical appearance 2.99 .450 .192 .021 .319 Academic competence 2.92 .517 .377 .036 .416 Note. N  1,527. rL, C  correlation between level and change.  p .01.  p .001. This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers. This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly. ADOLESCENT SELF-ESTEEM AND ADULT DEPRESSION 331
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