Dialogue 3 I'm afraid I'm lost 我恐怕是迷路了 A:Hello. 甲:喂,你好 B:Hi,John?This is Thomas. 乙:咳,是约翰吗?我是托马斯。 A:Thomas!Where are you?Aren'tyou 甲:拖马斯!你在哪儿?你不是要来参加宴 coming to the banquet? 会吗? B:Yes.I'm on my way,but I'm afraid I'm 乙:是的,我在路上,但是我恐怕是迷路了。 lost. 甲:真的吗? A:Really? 乙:我按照你的地址,向南走通往公园路的 B:I think I followed your directions.I went 拉托比街。 south on La Trobe Street to Park Avenue. 甲:你走得对。 A:Yes,that's right. 乙:然后我向左拐开到达比街。 B:Then I turned left and drove to Darebin Road. 甲:哦 乙:然后又向左拐,在马可波罗胡同下了车。 A:Um hmm. 甲:嗷,这就错了。你应该在玫瑰胡同下车。 B:After that,I turned left and got off at Marco Polo Bay. 告诉我你现在的位置。 A:Uh oh!That's the problem.You were 乙:我在商场给你打电话。 supposed to get off at Rose Bay.Now tell me where you are now. B:Pm calling from a phone at the Mall. 1515 Dialogue 3 I'm afraid I'm lost A: Hello. B: Hi, John? This is Thomas. A: Thomas! Where are you? Aren't you coming to the banquet? B: Yes. I'm on my way, but I'm afraid I'm lost. A: Really? B: I think I followed your directions. I went south on La Trobe Street to Park Avenue. A: Yes, that's right. B: Then I turned left and drove to Darebin Road. A: Um hmm. B: After that, I turned left and got off at Marco Polo Bay. A: Uh oh! That's the problem. You were supposed to get off at Rose Bay. Now tell me where you are now. B: I'm calling from a phone at the Mall. 我恐怕是迷路了 甲:喂,你好 乙:咳,是约翰吗?我是托马斯。 甲:拖马斯!你在哪儿?你不是要来参加宴 会吗? 乙:是的,我在路上,但是我恐怕是迷路了。 甲:真的吗? 乙:我按照你的地址,向南走通往公园路的 拉托比街。 甲:你走得对。 乙:然后我向左拐开到达比街。 甲:哦 乙:然后又向左拐,在马可波罗胡同下了车。 甲:嗷,这就错了。你应该在玫瑰胡同下车。 告诉我你现在的位置。 乙:我在商场给你打电话
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