Chapter 6 Exploring Evolution and Bioinformatics 4 5 An open reading frame is necessary to compare A) DNA promoter sequences. B) alignments of potential protein coding regions. c) cDNA alignments. D All of the above. E) None of the above Ans:B Section:6.2 6 Based on their three-dimensional structures,actin and Hsp-70 are considered A)homologs D)All of the above. B) orthologs E) None of the above. C) paralogs. Ans:C Section:6.3 7 What percentage of proteins contain two or more similar domains? A)10%B)36%C)8%D)All of the above.E)None of the above. Ans:A Section:6.3 8 An example of proteins that evolved similar mechanisms by convergent evolution is A)DNA polymerase and elastase. D) b and c B) chymotrypsin and subtilisin. E) None of the above C) neuramidase and glycolase. Ans:B Section:6.3 9 Which of the following sequences would retain the base-pairing necessary to form a hairpin loop?The original sequence is UUGCUCAGUAAGAGCAA. A) UAGCUCAGUAAGAGCUA D) All of the above. B) UACCUCAGAGAGCUA E) None of the above. C)UUGUUUCAGAGAGCAA Ans:A Section:6.3 10 Evolutionary trees provide relative scales of divergence.How can these be reconciled with real times? A)by comparing the amount of sequence divergence B)by comparing proteins from convergent evolution C) by using fossil records when possible D)All of the above. E)None of the above. Ans:C Section:6.4 11 Which of the following molecules is the most stable? A)mRNA D) IRNA B)hemoglobin E) mitochondrial DNA C)carbohydrates Ans:E Section:6.5Chapter 6 Exploring Evolution and Bioinformatics 4 5 An open reading frame is necessary to compare A) DNA promoter sequences. B) alignments of potential protein coding regions. C) cDNA alignments. D) All of the above. E) None of the above. Ans: B Section: 6.2 6 Based on their three-dimensional structures, actin and Hsp-70 are considered A) homologs. D) All of the above. B) orthologs. E) None of the above. C) paralogs. Ans: C Section: 6.3 7 What percentage of proteins contain two or more similar domains? A) 10% B) 36% C) 8% D) All of the above. E) None of the above. Ans: A Section: 6.3 8 An example of proteins that evolved similar mechanisms by convergent evolution is A) DNA polymerase and elastase. D) b and c B) chymotrypsin and subtilisin. E) None of the above C) neuramidase and glycolase. Ans: B Section: 6.3 9 Which of the following sequences would retain the base-pairing necessary to form a hairpin loop? The original sequence is UUGCUCAGUAAGAGCAA. A) UAGCUCAGUAAGAGCUA D) All of the above. B) UACCUCAGAGAGCUA E) None of the above. C) UUGUUUCAGAGAGCAA Ans: A Section: 6.3 10 Evolutionary trees provide relative scales of divergence. How can these be reconciled with real times? A) by comparing the amount of sequence divergence B) by comparing proteins from convergent evolution C) by using fossil records when possible D) All of the above. E) None of the above. Ans: C Section: 6.4 11 Which of the following molecules is the most stable? A) mRNA D) rRNA B) hemoglobin E) mitochondrial DNA C) carbohydrates Ans: E Section: 6.5
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