Juy21,2000 Modeling pollen dispersal 花粉飘散的模拟 1 polen grain am Dr. Westgate and 维斯盖特博薄士和同 colleagues have 事建立了计算机模 developed computer型计算花粉漂移数 models to calculate the amount of 量和转基因玉米日 pollen drift and the 间花粉基因产生漂 potential for gene 移的可能性 flow from a field of transgenic corn IOWA STATE UNⅣ ERSITY College of Agriculture• Dr. Westgate and colleagues have developed computer models to calculate the amount of pollen drift and the potential for gene flow from a field of transgenic corn • 维斯盖特博士和同 事建立了计算机模 型计算花粉漂移数 量和转基因玉米田 间花粉基因产生漂 移的可能性 Modeling pollen dispersal 花粉飘散的模拟 July 21, 2000 g/m2 1 pollen grain/4 cm2 at 0.25 pollen grain/cm2d potential contamination ~ 0.28% or ~ 3 kernels per 1000 exposed silks 100m July 21, 2000 g/m2 1 pollen grain/4 cm2 at 0.25 pollen grain/cm2d potential contamination ~ 0.28% or ~ 3 kernels per 1000 exposed silks 100m
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