oppressors. In English folklore,Queen Mab is a fairy. She is memorably described in a famous and memorable comedic speech by Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet,in which she is a miniature creature who drives her chariot across the faces of sleeping people and compels them to dream dreams of wish-fulfillment. 3.The story is a fairy tale dream. It'sanoptimisticpoem Through Queen Mab's words,Shelley shows his philosophy It's a revolutionary poem in which Shelley declares war on the injustice and violence of the world. Prometheus Unbound Prometheus is a god in Greek myth,who steals fire from heaven to help human. 5 Zeus [zju:s]punishes him by hanging him on a cliff and sendingeagles to bite his flesh two plays of Prometheus Unbound 1.Aeschylus 2.Shelley 10: Aeschylus's Prometheus Bound(《被缚的普罗米修斯》) described how Prometheus steals the fire and his sufferings oppressors. In English folklore, Queen Mab is a fairy. She is memorably described in a famous and memorable comedic speech by Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet, in which she is a miniature creature who drives her chariot across the faces of sleeping people and compels them to dream dreams of wish-fulfillment. 3. The story is a fairy tale dream. It’s an optimistic poem. Through Queen Mab’s words, Shelley shows his philosophy. It’s a revolutionary poem in which Shelley declares war on the injustice and violence of the world. Prometheus Unbound Prometheus is a god in Greek myth, who steals fire from heaven to help human. Zeus [zju:s] punishes him by hanging him on a cliff and sending eagles to bite his flesh two plays of Prometheus Unbound 1. Aeschylus 2. Shelley Aeschylus’s Prometheus Bound (《被缚的普罗米修斯》) described how Prometheus steals the fire and his sufferings. 5’ 10’
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