Prometheus Unbound,1819《解放了的普罗米修斯》 Songto Men of England,.l819《给英格兰人的歌》 Ode to the West Wind,1819《西风颂》 The Revolt ofIslam:《伊斯兰的起义》 The Cenci:《森西》 Adonais:《阿多尼斯》 Hellas:《希腊》 Lyrics Odeto Liberty,《自由颂) Ode to Naples,.《那不勒斯颂》 5 Sonnet:Englandin 1819 The Cloud,《云》 To a Skylark,《致云雀》 Ode to the West Wind,《西风a颂》 Prose Defence of Poetry《诗辩》 The memorial to Shelley at the Elan Valley Visitor Centre Queen Mab Queen Mab:A Philosophical Poem shows Shelley'ssocialphilosophy o. 1.He criticizes the rising capitalism and the feudal society 2.He defends the rights of the labor against their exploiters andPrometheus Unbound, 1819 《解放了的普罗米修斯》 Song to Men of England, 1819 《给英格兰人的歌》 Ode to the West Wind, 1819 《西风颂》 The Revolt of Islam:《伊斯兰的起义》 The Cenci:《森西》 Adonais:《阿多尼斯》 Hellas:《希腊》 Lyrics Ode to Liberty,《自由颂》 Ode to Naples,《那不勒斯颂》 Sonnet: England in 1819 The Cloud,《云》 To a Skylark,《致云雀》 Ode to the West Wind,《西风颂》 Prose Defence of Poetry 《诗辩》 The memorial to Shelley at the Elan Valley Visitor Centre Queen Mab Queen Mab: A Philosophical Poem shows Shelley’s social philosophy 1. He criticizes the rising capitalism and the feudal society. 2. He defends the rights of the labor against their exploiters and 5’ 5’ 10’
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