尉卧喻蜀专大学 《商务英语》 授课教案 2 For the purpose of aiding the exporter and importer in handling packages in accordance with the best commercial practices,a scientific marking policy to cover all shipments must be adopted. 要想帮助进出口商按照最佳商业惯例来处理包装事宜,就必须采用一种科学的标志政策来对待 所有的货物。 此句的结构为:主语“a scientific marking policy'”,谓语“must be adopted”,For the purpose of..(为 了..的目的)”可以看作复合介词,后接动名词短语作宾语:aiding the exporter and importer in.…practices'”。动名词短语本身带有两个介词短语,即in handling packages'”和in accordance with the best commercial practices'”,作状语。 for the purpose of为了.的目的 Did you go to London for the purpose of doing business? 你去伦敦是从商吗? For what purpose did your committee invite me to come here? 委员会邀请我来这里目的是什么? in accordance with可视为复合介词,意思是“根据,依照,与...一致,合乎”,后接名词, 例如: In accordance with your instructions,,we have suspended our work.按照你方的指示,我们已中 止了我们的工作。 In accordance with cables exchanged,we are glad to have sold you 50 tons castor seeds. 按照双方往来电报,我们很高兴已售给你方50吨蓖麻籽。 Party B shall guarantee that the machines to be provided are in accordance with party A's requirements and specifications.乙方保证其供给的机器符合甲方的要求和规格。 He did not act in accordance with the orders that were given him. 他没有按照所给指令行事。 The goods will be sent in accordance with your instructions. 货物将按照你们的指示发送过来。 3。 Markings facilitate identification of packages and enable the particular shipment to be readily recognized and picked out from the many others arriving at a busy port 标志使包装易于识别,让特定的货物能轻易辨认并从许多其它的到港货物中挑选出来。 facilitate:to make easy or easier使容易,使便利 The broken lock facilitated my entrance into the empty house. The new underground railway will facilitate the journey to all parts of the city. c“facilitate”和enable'均是及物动词: “facilitate”意为“to make something easy or easier to do(使便利)”,例如:To facilitate this project and to improve communications,it was agreed that each side would establish a liaison office in the city of the other.为了使这个项目顺利发展,改进通讯条件,双方同意各自在对方的城市建 立联络办公室。 “enable'”意为“to make something possible(使成为可能)”,例如:Strategic research enables the agency to understand better how consumers use a product or service and how they regard the product 3《商务英语》 授课教案 3 2 For the purpose of aiding the exporter and importer in handling packages in accordance with the best commercial practices, a scientific marking policy to cover all shipments must be adopted. 要想帮助进出口商按照最佳商业惯例来处理包装事宜,就必须采用一种科学的标志政策来对待 所有的货物。 此句的结构为:主语“a scientific marking policy”, 谓语“must be adopted”, “For the purpose of…(为 了……的目的)” 可以看作复合介词,后接动名词短语作宾语:“aiding the exporter and importer in…practices”。动名词短语本身带有两个介词短语,即“in handling packages”和“in accordance with the best commercial practices”,作状语。 for the purpose of 为了…的目的 Did you go to London for the purpose of doing business? 你去伦敦是从商吗? For what purpose did your committee invite me to come here? 委员会邀请我来这里目的是什么? “in accordance with”可视为复合介词,意思是“根据,依照,与……一致,合乎”,后接名词, 例如: In accordance with your instructions, we have suspended our work. 按照你方的指示,我们已中 止了我们的工作。 In accordance with cables exchanged, we are glad to have sold you 50 tons castor seeds. 按照双方往来电报,我们很高兴已售给你方 50 吨蓖麻籽。 Party B shall guarantee that the machines to be provided are in accordance with party A’s requirements and specifications. 乙方保证其供给的机器符合甲方的要求和规格。 He did not act in accordance with the orders that were given him. 他没有按照所给指令行事。 The goods will be sent in accordance with your instructions. 货物将按照你们的指示发送过来。 3. Markings facilitate identification of packages and enable the particular shipment to be readily recognized and picked out from the many others arriving at a busy port 标志使包装易于识别,让特定的货物能轻易辨认并从许多其它的到港货物中挑选出来。 facilitate: to make easy or easier 使容易,使便利 • The broken lock facilitated my entrance into the empty house. • The new underground railway will facilitate the journey to all parts of the city. “facilitate”和“enable”均是及物动词: “facilitate”意为“to make something easy or easier to do(使便利)”, 例如:To facilitate this project and to improve communications, it was agreed that each side would establish a liaison office in the city of the other. 为了使这个项目顺利发展,改进通讯条件,双方同意各自在对方的城市建 立联络办公室。 “enable”意为“to make something possible(使成为可能)”,例如:Strategic research enables the agency to understand better how consumers use a product or service and how they regard the product
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