3.Drafting Make a rough draft based To organise the key Ask Ss to make a rough draft on their own mind maps. information into based on their own mind maps. sentences (Set an example for Ss.) 4.Editing Improve their writing Try to practise Show a self-editing checklist and following the self-editing self-evaluation skills explain for Ss. checklist. with the checklist. Ask Ss to improve their writing following the checklist. 5.Beautiful handwriting Write down their articles To be aware of the Show the comparison between two beautifully. importance of clear pieces of handwriting. and beautiful Ask Ss to write down their articles handwriting beautifully. 5 Post Ask Ss to draw a flow chart to Draw the flow chart and To review the writing -Writing review the Five-star writing review the Five-star process process. writing process. Ask Ss to add their own notes to Add their own notes to To raise their the writing process. the flow chart. awareness of self-learning Homework 1.Write an article about another topic following the Five-star writing process; 2.Revise the Five-star writing process based on your own situation. Reflection2 3. Drafting Ask Ss to make a rough draft based on their own mind maps. (Set an example for Ss.) Make a rough draft based on their own mind maps. To organise the key information into sentences 4. Editing Show a self-editing checklist and explain for Ss. Ask Ss to improve their writing following the checklist. Improve their writing following the self-editing checklist. Try to practise self-evaluation skills with the checklist. 5. Beautiful handwriting Show the comparison between two pieces of handwriting. Ask Ss to write down their articles beautifully. Write down their articles beautifully. To be aware of the importance of clear and beautiful handwriting 5 Post -Writing Ask Ss to draw a flow chart to review the Five-star writing process. Draw the flow chart and review the Five-star writing process. To review the writing process Ask Ss to add their own notes to the writing process. Add their own notes to the flow chart. To raise their awareness of self-learning Homework 1. Write an article about another topic following the Five-star writing process; 2. Revise the Five-star writing process based on your own situation. Reflection
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