Conjugated Systems,Orbital Symmetry and UV Spectroscopy Introduction There are several possible arrangements for a molecule which contains two double bonds(diene): Isolated:(two or more single bonds between them) 入入、入 Conjugated:(one single bond between them) Cumulated:(zero single bonds between them:allenes) C=C=C Conjugated double bonds are found to be the most stable. Ch15 Conjugated Systems(landscape) Page I Ch15 Conjugated Systems (landscape) Page 1 Conjugated Systems, Orbital Symmetry and UV Spectroscopy Introduction There are several possible arrangements for a molecule which contains two double bonds (diene): Isolated: (two or more single bonds between them) Conjugated: (one single bond between them) Cumulated: (zero single bonds between them: allenes) Conjugated double bonds are found to be the most stable. C C C
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