的思想家所说:“大学是容纳探索和思想开放的地方,它鼓励人们不是功利性地而是为了理 性而利用理性,它提供一种气氛使哲学怀疑不致被道德风尚和占上风的势力吓到,它保存伟 大的行动、伟大的人物和伟大的思想,以使对潮流的挑战和质疑能够得到滋养。”(布鲁姆) 大学是什么,是社会良心,是社会批判。如中国《四书》中的《大学》一文在开篇所说:“大 学之道,在明明德,在亲民,在止于至善。” 所谓“国际化”并不是完全按西方的大学来改造中国的大学,如北大陈平原教授所说 “大学需要国际视野,同样需要本土情怀。”只有对自己的文化有深厚地了解,才能更好地 吸收外部文化之精华,不然就会食洋不化 将中国介绍给世界是外语类大学的新使命 当年吴宓先生所主持的清华外语系将“汇通东西之精神思想而互为介绍传布”作为对学 生的基本要求,这里已经有将中国文化向西方介绍的任务。但长期以来外语类院校实际上只 承担了“把世界介绍给中国”的任务,基本未展开“把中国介绍给世界”的工作。今天,随 着中国经济的快速发展,中国国力的迅速增强,中国在国际上的地位越来越高,中国已经是 个在目前国际关系中举足轻重的大国。在这样新的形势下,“将中国介绍给世界”已经成 为摆在外语类大学面前的一个重要的工作。 这就给我们的教学和研究提出了新的要求。在教学课程上应加大中国文化的基本课程。 中国是文明古国,有着非常灿烂的文明。对这种文化传统的珍视、爱护与继承是我们发扬壮 大中国软实力的最重要的内容。文化的输出的关键是“文化自觉”,如果对自己的文化传统 冷漠,从骨子里不热爱自己的文化传统,那是无法去向外部世界介绍中国文化的。另外,在 教学上则可以开辟“对象国中国研究”这样的课程,教师在研究方向上则可以将对象国的汉 学和中国学研究,将中国文化在对象国的传播纳入到我们的研究视野。 Establishing business and law schools is perfectly right for it can mend some defects of a university that has its focus only on foreign language studies. The purpose of this action, however, is not only to prepare students with occupational skills and thus enables them to perform better in job-hunting, but also to cultivate students with a basic humanistic ideal that makes them willing to take jobs in these fields. We must be soberly aware that humanistic spirit is the soul of a university As a foreign thinker says, " A university embraces exploration and open thinking It encourages people to use their ration for its own sake rather than other utilitarian purposes; it provides us with an atmosphere where philosophic skepticism will not be intimidated by prevailing moral standards or powers; it preserves great deeds, great men, and great thoughts that nourish the challenges and doubts towards the current (Bloom)"What is a university really about? It is about great learning--the conscience of the society and the skepticism towards it. To quote the first sentence from Daxue(The Great Learning), one of the Four Books of classical Chinese thinking, "The essence of Great Learning is to illustrate illustrious virtue, to renovate people; and to rest in the highest excellence. The concept of globalization"does not mean Chinese universities copying the western, as Pro. Chen Pingyuan from Beijing University has pointed out, "A university needs to keep the world in its view while it cannot afford to lose sight of its home country. " Only if we comprehend our own culture can we absorb the essence of other cultures, otherwise it may be的思想家所说:“大学是容纳探索和思想开放的地方,它鼓励人们不是功利性地而是为了理 性而利用理性,它提供一种气氛使哲学怀疑不致被道德风尚和占上风的势力吓到,它保存伟 大的行动、伟大的人物和伟大的思想,以使对潮流的挑战和质疑能够得到滋养。”(布鲁姆) 大学是什么,是社会良心,是社会批判。如中国《四书》中的《大学》一文在开篇所说:“大 学之道,在明明德,在亲民,在止于至善。” 所谓“国际化”并不是完全按西方的大学来改造中国的大学,如北大陈平原教授所说: “大学需要国际视野,同样需要本土情怀。”只有对自己的文化有深厚地了解,才能更好地 吸收外部文化之精华,不然就会食洋不化。 将中国介绍给世界是外语类大学的新使命 当年吴宓先生所主持的清华外语系将“汇通东西之精神思想而互为介绍传布”作为对学 生的基本要求,这里已经有将中国文化向西方介绍的任务。但长期以来外语类院校实际上只 承担了“把世界介绍给中国”的任务,基本未展开“把中国介绍给世界”的工作。今天,随 着中国经济的快速发展,中国国力的迅速增强,中国在国际上的地位越来越高,中国已经是 一个在目前国际关系中举足轻重的大国。在这样新的形势下,“将中国介绍给世界”已经成 为摆在外语类大学面前的一个重要的工作。 这就给我们的教学和研究提出了新的要求。在教学课程上应加大中国文化的基本课程。 中国是文明古国,有着非常灿烂的文明。对这种文化传统的珍视、爱护与继承是我们发扬壮 大中国软实力的最重要的内容。文化的输出的关键是“文化自觉”,如果对自己的文化传统 冷漠,从骨子里不热爱自己的文化传统,那是无法去向外部世界介绍中国文化的。另外,在 教学上则可以开辟“对象国中国研究”这样的课程,教师在研究方向上则可以将对象国的汉 学和中国学研究,将中国文化在对象国的传播纳入到我们的研究视野。 Establishing business and law schools is perfectly right for it can mend some defects of a university that has its focus only on foreign language studies. The purpose of this action, however, is not only to prepare students with occupational skills and thus enables them to perform better in job-hunting, but also to cultivate students with a basic humanistic ideal that makes them willing to take jobs in these fields. We must be soberly aware that humanistic spirit is the soul of a university. As a foreign thinker says, “A university embraces exploration and open thinking. It encourages people to use their ration for its own sake rather than other utilitarian purposes; it provides us with an atmosphere where philosophic skepticism will not be intimidated by prevailing moral standards or powers; it preserves great deeds, great men, and great thoughts that nourish the challenges and doubts towards the current.(Bloom)” What is a university really about? It is about great learning--the conscience of the society and the skepticism towards it. To quote the first sentence from Daxue (The Great Learning), one of the Four Books of classical Chinese thinking, “The essence of Great Learning is to illustrate illustrious virtue; to renovate people; and to rest in the highest excellence.” The concept of “globalization” does not mean Chinese universities copying the western, as Pro. Chen Pingyuan from Beijing University has pointed out, “A university needs to keep the world in its view while it cannot afford to lose sight of its home country.” Only if we comprehend our own culture can we absorb the essence of other cultures, otherwise it may be
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