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《翻译与思辩》参考资料:Topic 1 Liberal education_外语教育呼吁人文精神


外语教育呼吁人文精神作者:张西平来源:中华读书报整理日期:2007-10-30 如何看待外语教育?这对外语类院校来说是一个根本性的问题。目前流行的说法是通 过外语技能的训练和文化知识的掌握,培养出复合型外语人才。例如,目前对英语教育的目 标是这样界定的:“高等学校英语专业培养具有扎实的英语语言基础和广博的文化知识并能 熟练地运用英语在外事、教育、经贸、文化、科技、军事等部门从事翻译、教学、管理、 研究等工作的复合型英语人才。”这样的目标实际上主要是:语言技能十实用知识。在市场 化的今天,这种以复合型人才为目标的培养方式也许在短期内会有一定的效果,但从长远来 看,却从根本上削弱了外语教育的本质一一人文主义的教育。正是这种教育思想导致了目前 的过于注重语言技能和实用知识,从而使外语类院校的学生在思想深度、知识结构、分析问 题能力方面与其他人文学科的学生相比有了较大的差距。在这样的教育理念下,实用性和应 用性教育成为外语教育的主要思潮,这种教育哲学所带来的后果就是人文精神的衰落,学生 中的物欲化情绪、功利倾向日益严重,在文化素质上的粗俗和浅薄日益明显。就此,我们必 须从教育的根本理念上加以认识 回归人文教育的优良传统 如果从同文馆的外语教育算起,中国的外语教育已经有百年以上的历史,如果从康熙时 代的俄罗斯馆算起有近二百多年的历史。但中国近代以来真正的大学体制中的外语教育起始 于清华大学。清华外语系成立于1926年5月,建系初称为西洋文学系,后改称为外国语言 文学系(简称外文系)。1926年外文系成立时制定的《西洋文学系课程总则》规定,外文系 培养“博雅之士”。所谓“博雅”,又解释为“熟读西洋文学之名著”,“了解西洋文明之精神”, 汇通东西之精神思想而互为介绍传布。一方面规定学生必须选修“属于全体之研究”的“各 时代之文学史”,“以求一贯之博通”;另一方面“专治一国之语言、文字及文学,而为局部 之深造”。由于清华外语系在教学中将英国的戏剧教学和研究作为重要的内容,以致后来培 养出了像洪深、李健吾、曹禺、张骏祥、英若诚等这样的著名戏剧家。清华外文系还开拓了 中国比较文学教学与研究的先河。吴宓的《中西诗之比较》,特别是他的《文学与人生》,在 中西文化的“相互阐释”方面有突破性贡献。他们所培养的学生如吴达元、赵萝蕤、季羡林、 钱锺书、李赋宁成为中国比较文学之中坚,成为当代学术之大师 北外的王佐良、许国璋教授也都是吴宓的弟子。王佐良1935年入清华大学外文系,1947 年赴英国牛津大学深造:许国璋先生也是清华毕业后留学英国。他们学成归国后都进入北外 从事英语教学。这说明北外和中国近代的外语教学传统,和中国近代的学术传统有着直接的 联系。北外有着自己的学术传承,这是北外的一份宝贵的学术遗产,但长期以来我们在讲北 外的传统时很少从学术上考察这个对北外有着至关意义的学术传统。王先生和许先生不仅是 中国英语教学权威,同时也都是在文学研究上造诣很深的大师。王先生所开创的新时期比较 文学研究,他的《论契合》至今仍是我们的必读之书。许先生不仅是语言学家,也是中国较 早的雪莱研究专家。王先生曾说过:“通过文化来学习语言,语言也会学得更好。语言之有 魅力,风格之值得研究,主要是因为后面有一个大的精神世界:但这两者又必须艺术地融合 在一起,因此语言表达力同思想洞察力又是互相促进的。”许先生曾说:“我教学生从来不以 教会学生几句英语或教会一种本事为目标。而是教会怎样做人。英语教育是用英语来学习文 化,认识世界,培养心智,而不是英语教学。”同样,我们阿语系的纳忠先生在整个中国的 阿拉伯文化研究领域是顶尖的大师,在俄语系,在法语系等都有这样一些在国内举足轻重的

外语教育呼吁人文精神作者:张西平 来源:中华读书报 整理日期:2007-10-30 如何看待外语教育?这对外语类院校来说是一个根本性的问题。目前流行的说法是,通 过外语技能的训练和文化知识的掌握,培养出复合型外语人才。例如,目前对英语教育的目 标是这样界定的:“高等学校英语专业培养具有扎实的英语语言基础和广博的文化知识并能 熟练地运用英语在外事、教育、经贸、文化、科技、军事 等部门从事翻译、教学、管理、 研究等工作的复合型英语人才。”这样的目标实际上主要是:语言技能╁实用知识。在市场 化的今天,这种以复合型人才为目标的培养方式也许在短期内会有一定的效果,但从长远来 看,却从根本上削弱了外语教育的本质——人文主义的教育。正是这种教育思想导致了目前 的过于注重语言技能和实用知识,从而使外语类院校的学生在思想深度、知识结构、分析问 题能力方面与其他人文学科的学生相比有了较大的差距。在这样的教育理念下,实用性和应 用性教育成为外语教育的主要思潮,这种教育哲学所带来的后果就是人文精神的衰落,学生 中的物欲化情绪、功利倾向日益严重,在文化素质上的粗俗和浅薄日益明显。就此,我们必 须从教育的根本理念上加以认识。 回归人文教育的优良传统 如果从同文馆的外语教育算起,中国的外语教育已经有百年以上的历史,如果从康熙时 代的俄罗斯馆算起有近二百多年的历史。但中国近代以来真正的大学体制中的外语教育起始 于清华大学。清华外语系成立于 1926 年 5 月,建系初称为西洋文学系,后改称为外国语言 文学系(简称外文系)。1926 年外文系成立时制定的《西洋文学系课程总则》规定,外文系 培养“博雅之士”。所谓“博雅”,又解释为“熟读西洋文学之名著”,“了解西洋文明之精神”, 汇通东西之精神思想而互为介绍传布。一方面规定学生必须选修“属于全体之研究”的“各 时代之文学史”,“以求一贯之博通”;另一方面“专治一国之语言、文字及文学,而为局部 之深造”。由于清华外语系在教学中将英国的戏剧教学和研究作为重要的内容,以致后来培 养出了像洪深、李健吾、曹禺、张骏祥、英若诚等这样的著名戏剧家。清华外文系还开拓了 中国比较文学教学与研究的先河。吴宓的《中西诗之比较》,特别是他的《文学与人生》,在 中西文化的“相互阐释”方面有突破性贡献。他们所培养的学生如吴达元、赵萝蕤、季羡林、 钱锺书、李赋宁成为中国比较文学之中坚,成为当代学术之大师。 北外的王佐良、许国璋教授也都是吴宓的弟子。王佐良 1935 年入清华大学外文系,1947 年赴英国牛津大学深造;许国璋先生也是清华毕业后留学英国。他们学成归国后都进入北外 从事英语教学。这说明北外和中国近代的外语教学传统,和中国近代的学术传统有着直接的 联系。北外有着自己的学术传承,这是北外的一份宝贵的学术遗产,但长期以来我们在讲北 外的传统时很少从学术上考察这个对北外有着至关意义的学术传统。王先生和许先生不仅是 中国英语教学权威,同时也都是在文学研究上造诣很深的大师。王先生所开创的新时期比较 文学研究,他的《论契合》至今仍是我们的必读之书。许先生不仅是语言学家,也是中国较 早的雪莱研究专家。王先生曾说过:“通过文化来学习语言,语言也会学得更好。语言之有 魅力,风格之值得研究,主要是因为后面有一个大的精神世界:但这两者又必须艺术地融合 在一起,因此语言表达力同思想洞察力又是互相促进的。”许先生曾说:“我教学生从来不以 教会学生几句英语或教会一种本事为目标。而是教会怎样做人。英语教育是用英语来学习文 化,认识世界,培养心智,而不是英语教学。”同样,我们阿语系的纳忠先生在整个中国的 阿拉伯文化研究领域是顶尖的大师,在俄语系,在法语系等都有这样一些在国内举足轻重的

学者,但在校园里已经听不到他们的名字,学术的优良传统在断裂,代之而起的是一种浅浮, 功利的风气在校园中弥漫。 所以,我们应回到中国的这种学术传统中。蔡元培先生当年在《北京大学月刊》的“发 刊词”中曾对单一学科的教育提出过批评。蔡先生说:“破学生专己守残之陋见。…治文 学者,恒蔑视科学,而不知近世文学,全以科学为基础:治一国文学者,恒不肯兼涉它国, 不知文学之进步,亦有资于比较;治自然科学者,局守一门,而不肯稍涉哲学,而不知哲学 即科学之归宿,其中如自然哲学一部,尤为科学家所需要;治哲学者,以能读古书为足用, 不耐烦于科学之实验,而不知哲学之基础不外科学,即最超然之玄学,亦不能与科学全无关 系。”蔡先生的这个提法对今天的中国的外语类院校来说也是十分重要的,回归到蔡元培先 生所倡导的这种通识教育的人文主义传统是外语大学教育思想所要解决的重要问题 文化自觉是外语大学的文化根基 费孝通先生在20世纪90年代提出了“文化自觉”。我认为对一个外国语大学来说,这 是一个具有根本性的概念。什么是文化自觉呢?费孝通先生说:“文化的生和死不同于生物 的生和死,它有它自己的规律,它有它自己的基因,也就是它的种子……种子就是生命的基 础,没有了这种能延续下去的种子,生命也就不存在了。文化也是一样,如果要是脱离了基 础,脱离了历史和传统,也就发展不起来了。因此,历史和传统就是我们文化延续下去的根 和种子。”这里他指出了:“主动自觉地维护一种文化的历史和传统,使之得以延续并发扬光 大,这是文化自觉的第一层意思。”(乐黛云)费老同时认为,“传统失去了创造是要死的 只有不断创造,才能赋予传统以生命”,“创造一个新的文化的发展,也就是以发展的观点结 合过去同现在的条件和要求,向未来的文化展开一个新的起点”。因此,这种“从传统和创 造的结合中去看待未来”是文化自觉的第二层含义,而勇敢地面对当下的环境,在新的环境 下认识中国文化对世界未来的价值和意义,这是它的第三层含义。如果我们概括为一句话就 是:认识自己的文化传统,发展自己的文化传统,在确认自己文化价值中与他文化共建人类 文化。费孝通先生将此总结为16个字:“各美其美,美人之美,美美与共,天下大同。” 为什么“文化自觉”对外语大学来说具有特别乃至根本性的意义呢?因为长期以来外语 大学以介绍外国的语言和文化为其主要任务,这无疑是一个重要的任务。但完成这个任务的 基础是对自己民族文化的认知和继承,也就是费老所说的“文化自觉”。如果没有这种文化 自觉,我们是很难完成对外来文化的理解、消化和传播的。但很遗憾,长期以来,外语类大 学作为专门性大学,在教育内容的设置和课程的安排上一直未将中国历史文化的教育放在 个重要的地位,即便有的学生对中文有需求也只是从实用的角度,而不是从文化自觉的角度 来看待自己的文化和语言的 如果在过去这种对自己民族文化的漠视主要是受到苏联那种单一学校的办学模式的影 响,那么在当前则受到来自两个方面的影响,一是市场化的影响,功利主义的教育观在大学 弥漫:另一个就是受所谓“国际化”思路的影响,认为“与国际接轨“就是越洋越好,将自 己的民族文化传统作为落后的因素来对待。这两种认识都是有问题的。 为了克服单一的外语院校的缺陷,开办商学院、法学院是完全正确的,但开办这些学院 并不仅仅在于使学生有一个好的工作技能和职业,更在于从大学获得一种人类的基本人文理 想后去从事这些职业。我们一定要清醒地认识到一个大学的灵魂是人文精神。正如一位外国

学者,但在校园里已经听不到他们的名字,学术的优良传统在断裂,代之而起的是一种浅浮, 功利的风气在校园中弥漫。 所以,我们应回到中国的这种学术传统中。蔡元培先生当年在《北京大学月刊》的“发 刊词”中曾对单一学科的教育提出过批评。蔡先生说:“破学生专己守残之陋见。……治文 学者,恒蔑视科学,而不知近世文学,全以科学为基础;治一国文学者,恒不肯兼涉它国, 不知文学之进步,亦有资于比较;治自然科学者,局守一门,而不肯稍涉哲学,而不知哲学 即科学之归宿,其中如自然哲学一部,尤为科学家所需要;治哲学者,以能读古书为足用, 不耐烦于科学之实验,而不知哲学之基础不外科学,即最超然之玄学,亦不能与科学全无关 系。”蔡先生的这个提法对今天的中国的外语类院校来说也是十分重要的,回归到蔡元培先 生所倡导的这种通识教育的人文主义传统是外语大学教育思想所要解决的重要问题。 文化自觉是外语大学的文化根基 费孝通先生在 20 世纪 90 年代提出了“文化自觉”。我认为对一个外国语大学来说,这 是一个具有根本性的概念。什么是文化自觉呢?费孝通先生说:“文化的生和死不同于生物 的生和死,它有它自己的规律,它有它自己的基因,也就是它的种子……种子就是生命的基 础,没有了这种能延续下去的种子,生命也就不存在了。文化也是一样,如果要是脱离了基 础,脱离了历史和传统,也就发展不起来了。因此,历史和传统就是我们文化延续下去的根 和种子。”这里他指出了:“主动自觉地维护一种文化的历史和传统,使之得以延续并发扬光 大,这是文化自觉的第一层意思。”(乐黛云)费老同时认为,“传统失去了创造是要死的, 只有不断创造,才能赋予传统以生命”,“创造一个新的文化的发展,也就是以发展的观点结 合过去同现在的条件和要求,向未来的文化展开一个新的起点”。因此,这种“从传统和创 造的结合中去看待未来”是文化自觉的第二层含义,而勇敢地面对当下的环境,在新的环境 下认识中国文化对世界未来的价值和意义,这是它的第三层含义。如果我们概括为一句话就 是:认识自己的文化传统,发展自己的文化传统,在确认自己文化价值中与他文化共建人类 文化。费孝通先生将此总结为 16 个字:“各美其美,美人之美,美美与共,天下大同。” 为什么“文化自觉”对外语大学来说具有特别乃至根本性的意义呢?因为长期以来外语 大学以介绍外国的语言和文化为其主要任务,这无疑是一个重要的任务。但完成这个任务的 基础是对自己民族文化的认知和继承,也就是费老所说的“文化自觉”。如果没有这种文化 自觉,我们是很难完成对外来文化的理解、消化和传播的。但很遗憾,长期以来,外语类大 学作为专门性大学,在教育内容的设置和课程的安排上一直未将中国历史文化的教育放在一 个重要的地位,即便有的学生对中文有需求也只是从实用的角度,而不是从文化自觉的角度 来看待自己的文化和语言的。 如果在过去这种对自己民族文化的漠视主要是受到苏联那种单一学校的办学模式的影 响,那么在当前则受到来自两个方面的影响,一是市场化的影响,功利主义的教育观在大学 弥漫;另一个就是受所谓“国际化”思路的影响,认为“与国际接轨“就是越洋越好,将自 己的民族文化传统作为落后的因素来对待。这两种认识都是有问题的。 为了克服单一的外语院校的缺陷,开办商学院、法学院是完全正确的,但开办这些学院 并不仅仅在于使学生有一个好的工作技能和职业,更在于从大学获得一种人类的基本人文理 想后去从事这些职业。我们一定要清醒地认识到一个大学的灵魂是人文精神。正如一位外国

的思想家所说:“大学是容纳探索和思想开放的地方,它鼓励人们不是功利性地而是为了理 性而利用理性,它提供一种气氛使哲学怀疑不致被道德风尚和占上风的势力吓到,它保存伟 大的行动、伟大的人物和伟大的思想,以使对潮流的挑战和质疑能够得到滋养。”(布鲁姆) 大学是什么,是社会良心,是社会批判。如中国《四书》中的《大学》一文在开篇所说:“大 学之道,在明明德,在亲民,在止于至善。” 所谓“国际化”并不是完全按西方的大学来改造中国的大学,如北大陈平原教授所说 “大学需要国际视野,同样需要本土情怀。”只有对自己的文化有深厚地了解,才能更好地 吸收外部文化之精华,不然就会食洋不化 将中国介绍给世界是外语类大学的新使命 当年吴宓先生所主持的清华外语系将“汇通东西之精神思想而互为介绍传布”作为对学 生的基本要求,这里已经有将中国文化向西方介绍的任务。但长期以来外语类院校实际上只 承担了“把世界介绍给中国”的任务,基本未展开“把中国介绍给世界”的工作。今天,随 着中国经济的快速发展,中国国力的迅速增强,中国在国际上的地位越来越高,中国已经是 个在目前国际关系中举足轻重的大国。在这样新的形势下,“将中国介绍给世界”已经成 为摆在外语类大学面前的一个重要的工作。 这就给我们的教学和研究提出了新的要求。在教学课程上应加大中国文化的基本课程。 中国是文明古国,有着非常灿烂的文明。对这种文化传统的珍视、爱护与继承是我们发扬壮 大中国软实力的最重要的内容。文化的输出的关键是“文化自觉”,如果对自己的文化传统 冷漠,从骨子里不热爱自己的文化传统,那是无法去向外部世界介绍中国文化的。另外,在 教学上则可以开辟“对象国中国研究”这样的课程,教师在研究方向上则可以将对象国的汉 学和中国学研究,将中国文化在对象国的传播纳入到我们的研究视野。 Establishing business and law schools is perfectly right for it can mend some defects of a university that has its focus only on foreign language studies. The purpose of this action, however, is not only to prepare students with occupational skills and thus enables them to perform better in job-hunting, but also to cultivate students with a basic humanistic ideal that makes them willing to take jobs in these fields. We must be soberly aware that humanistic spirit is the soul of a university As a foreign thinker says, " A university embraces exploration and open thinking It encourages people to use their ration for its own sake rather than other utilitarian purposes; it provides us with an atmosphere where philosophic skepticism will not be intimidated by prevailing moral standards or powers; it preserves great deeds, great men, and great thoughts that nourish the challenges and doubts towards the current (Bloom)"What is a university really about? It is about great learning--the conscience of the society and the skepticism towards it. To quote the first sentence from Daxue(The Great Learning), one of the Four Books of classical Chinese thinking, "The essence of Great Learning is to illustrate illustrious virtue, to renovate people; and to rest in the highest excellence. The concept of globalization"does not mean Chinese universities copying the western, as Pro. Chen Pingyuan from Beijing University has pointed out, "A university needs to keep the world in its view while it cannot afford to lose sight of its home country. " Only if we comprehend our own culture can we absorb the essence of other cultures, otherwise it may be

的思想家所说:“大学是容纳探索和思想开放的地方,它鼓励人们不是功利性地而是为了理 性而利用理性,它提供一种气氛使哲学怀疑不致被道德风尚和占上风的势力吓到,它保存伟 大的行动、伟大的人物和伟大的思想,以使对潮流的挑战和质疑能够得到滋养。”(布鲁姆) 大学是什么,是社会良心,是社会批判。如中国《四书》中的《大学》一文在开篇所说:“大 学之道,在明明德,在亲民,在止于至善。” 所谓“国际化”并不是完全按西方的大学来改造中国的大学,如北大陈平原教授所说: “大学需要国际视野,同样需要本土情怀。”只有对自己的文化有深厚地了解,才能更好地 吸收外部文化之精华,不然就会食洋不化。 将中国介绍给世界是外语类大学的新使命 当年吴宓先生所主持的清华外语系将“汇通东西之精神思想而互为介绍传布”作为对学 生的基本要求,这里已经有将中国文化向西方介绍的任务。但长期以来外语类院校实际上只 承担了“把世界介绍给中国”的任务,基本未展开“把中国介绍给世界”的工作。今天,随 着中国经济的快速发展,中国国力的迅速增强,中国在国际上的地位越来越高,中国已经是 一个在目前国际关系中举足轻重的大国。在这样新的形势下,“将中国介绍给世界”已经成 为摆在外语类大学面前的一个重要的工作。 这就给我们的教学和研究提出了新的要求。在教学课程上应加大中国文化的基本课程。 中国是文明古国,有着非常灿烂的文明。对这种文化传统的珍视、爱护与继承是我们发扬壮 大中国软实力的最重要的内容。文化的输出的关键是“文化自觉”,如果对自己的文化传统 冷漠,从骨子里不热爱自己的文化传统,那是无法去向外部世界介绍中国文化的。另外,在 教学上则可以开辟“对象国中国研究”这样的课程,教师在研究方向上则可以将对象国的汉 学和中国学研究,将中国文化在对象国的传播纳入到我们的研究视野。 Establishing business and law schools is perfectly right for it can mend some defects of a university that has its focus only on foreign language studies. The purpose of this action, however, is not only to prepare students with occupational skills and thus enables them to perform better in job-hunting, but also to cultivate students with a basic humanistic ideal that makes them willing to take jobs in these fields. We must be soberly aware that humanistic spirit is the soul of a university. As a foreign thinker says, “A university embraces exploration and open thinking. It encourages people to use their ration for its own sake rather than other utilitarian purposes; it provides us with an atmosphere where philosophic skepticism will not be intimidated by prevailing moral standards or powers; it preserves great deeds, great men, and great thoughts that nourish the challenges and doubts towards the current.(Bloom)” What is a university really about? It is about great learning--the conscience of the society and the skepticism towards it. To quote the first sentence from Daxue (The Great Learning), one of the Four Books of classical Chinese thinking, “The essence of Great Learning is to illustrate illustrious virtue; to renovate people; and to rest in the highest excellence.” The concept of “globalization” does not mean Chinese universities copying the western, as Pro. Chen Pingyuan from Beijing University has pointed out, “A university needs to keep the world in its view while it cannot afford to lose sight of its home country.” Only if we comprehend our own culture can we absorb the essence of other cultures, otherwise it may be

mpossible for us to digest what we have imported.(张心怡) In order to fill up the deficiency of the monotony of the foreign language institutions, establishing business schools and law oIs is absolutely necessary. The establishment of those schools, owever, not merely aims to endow the students with better occupational skills and thus help them ind better jobs, but let them attain the basic humanistic thinking from the university education and benefit their future career. We must be clearly aware that the soul of the university education lies in the humanistic spirit Just as a foreign thinker said, " The university is the place which contains explorations and broad minds. It encourages people to use reason for the sake of reason itself instead of the utilitarian purposes; it provides the ambience where philosophical doubt would not be threatened by morality, ethics and some predominant influences; it preserves remarkable deeds extraodinary people, and great thinking so as to nourish the challeges and queries to the current trend. (Bloom) What does the university stands for? It stands for social consciences and social criticism, as is mentioned in the prologue of the great Learning, one of the Four Books in ancient China, " What the Great Learning inspires, is to promote precious virtues, to renovate peoples thoughts, and to lead people to the highest excellence. The so-called internationalism does not mean that China's universities should be completely transformed into what western universities like. As Prof. Chen Pingyuan from Peking University puts it, What the university needs is both international outlook and native perspective. Only when we have a profound understanding of our own culture can we grasp the pith and marrow of foreign culture, otherwise we will advance in spite of the absorption of foreign culture. (ii) It is a correct way to establish business college or law school, in order to improve the condition that foreign language colleges only have professional courses. This can not only make a student to have good skills and jobs, but can start a job after obtaining humanistic spirit from the university. We must know that the spirit of a university is humanistic spirit. The university is open to exploration and thoughts. It encourages people to pursue reason not with utility purpose, provides an atmosphere where philosophic doubt is not damaged by morality and power and preserve great actions, people and thoughts so that challenges and doubts about the trend can be nourished. What is a university? It is social consciousness and critic. As is said in The Great Learning of The Four Books, " The purpose of the great learning is to illustrate illustrious virtue, to remould one's thought, and to reach the excellence. The word "international ization"does not mean to follow the mode of western universities to change Chinese universities. As is said by Professor Chen Pingyuan in Peking University, "A university should have an international vision as well as indigenous feeling. "Only after one knows profoundly about his own culture, then can he learn well about the advantages of foreign culture otherwise he will swallow foreign teaching theories without digesting.王羽丰 To add colors to the foreign language university paled with one hue, starting the business of law and commercial school is beyond reproach. Moreover, the approach tries not only to bestow the excellent job skills or opportunities on the students, but also to edify them with basic humanistic spirit before work. We should make the alarm sound continuously, indicating that humanistic spirit serves as the soul of a university. A foreign ideologist once put it: " university is a place where open minds and exploration are all-embracing: where rationality is not adulterated or affiliated

impossible for us to digest what we have imported.(张心怡) In order to fill up the deficiency of the monotony of the foreign language institutions, establishing business schools and law schools is absolutely necessary. The establishment of those schools, however, not merely aims to endow the students with better occupational skills and thus help them find better jobs, but let them attain the basic humanistic thinking from the university education and benefit their future career. We must be clearly aware that the soul of the university education lies in the humanistic spirit. Just as a foreign thinker said, “The university is the place which contains explorations and broad minds. It encourages people to use reason for the sake of reason itself instead of the utilitarian purposes; it provides the ambience where philosophical doubt would not be threatened by morality, ethics and some predominant influences; it preserves remarkable deeds, extraodinary people, and great thinking so as to nourish the challeges and queries to the current trend.” (Bloom) What does the university stands for? It stands for social consciences and social criticism, as is mentioned in the prologue of the Great Learning, one of the Four Books in ancient China, “What the Great Learning inspires, is to promote precious virtues, to renovate people’s thoughts, and to lead people to the highest excellence.” The so-called internationalism does not mean that China’s universities should be completely transformed into what western universities is like. As Prof. Chen Pingyuan from Peking University puts it, “What the university needs is both international outlook and native perspective.” Only when we have a profound understanding of our own culture can we grasp the pith and marrow of foreign culture, otherwise we will advance in spite of the absorption of foreign culture. (沈璐) It is a correct way to establish business college or law school, in order to improve the condition that foreign language colleges only have professional courses. This can not only make a student to have good skills and jobs, but can start a job after obtaining humanistic spirit from the university. We must know that the spirit of a university is humanistic spirit. The university is open to exploration and thoughts. It encourages people to pursue reason not with utility purpose, provides an atmosphere where philosophic doubt is not damaged by morality and power and preserve great actions, people and thoughts so that challenges and doubts about the trend can be nourished. What is a university? It is social consciousness and critic. As is said in The Great Learning of The Four Books, “The purpose of the great learning is to illustrate illustrious virtue, to remould one’s thought, and to reach the excellence. The word “internationalization” does not mean to follow the mode of western universities to change Chinese universities. As is said by Professor Chen Pingyuan in Peking University, “A university should have an international vision as well as indigenous feeling.” Only after one knows profoundly about his own culture, then can he learn well about the advantages of foreign culture, otherwise he will swallow foreign teaching theories without digesting. 王羽丰 To add colors to the foreign language university paled with one hue, starting the business of law and commercial school is beyond reproach. Moreover, the approach tries not only to bestow the excellent job skills or opportunities on the students, but also to edify them with basic humanistic spirit before work. We should make the alarm sound continuously, indicating that humanistic spirit serves as the soul of a university. A foreign ideologist once put it: “university is a place where open minds and exploration are all-embracing; where rationality is not adulterated or affiliated

with utilitarian purpose, where philosophical suspicion doesnt have to make way for social morals or prevailing authority. It shelters great behavior, people and minds to nourish challenges and doubt opposed to the mainstream. What is a university? It's the conscience and criticism of the society. As the great learning "of The Four Books"(an abbreviation for The Books of the Four Philosophers)mentioned in the beginning: What the great learning teaches is to illustrate illustrious virtue; to renovate the people; and to rest in the highest excellence. The so-called internationalization'doesn't mean that Chinese universities should submit themselves to copy the mode of western universities. Chen Pingyuan, a professor of Peking University says that the university needs one standing high to have a global view while embracing the local culture with care and passion. Only when we are deeply rooted in our culture can we have a better access to the essence of foreign culture, or we will have them though swallowed, yet not completely digested.胡雨桦

with utilitarian purpose; where philosophical suspicion doesn’t have to make way for social morals or prevailing authority. It shelters great behavior, people and minds to nourish challenges and doubt opposed to the mainstream. What is a university? It’s the conscience and criticism of the society. As “the great learning” of “The Four Books” (an abbreviation for 'The Books of the Four Philosophers’) mentioned in the beginning: What the great learning teaches is to illustrate illustrious virtue; to renovate the people; and to rest in the highest excellence. The so-called “internationalization” doesn’t mean that Chinese universities should submit themselves to copy the mode of western universities. Chen Pingyuan, a professor of Peking University says that the university needs one standing high to have a global view while embracing the local culture with care and passion. Only when we are deeply rooted in our culture, can we have a better access to the essence of foreign culture, or we will have them though swallowed, yet not completely digested. 胡雨桦



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