Then fo. 9-m where ieahd6eomegsoisacep g=0p-jwr2e-ie… eod For cample.( dine a type Fto -n4n2,ppM+An+M -P产Pa+AP+nP片+I9R d.2.Comerge -2+6+--+9 +C+1-n of ue ee 工-3+np+2-njP4 ++E+-re Froof By Ed.()or-1.we have 瓦aP+2-nP1+En+2-nEe C=p,+3北+3a+C I--r+,+时+)-r -1+n+- M=...EE. Te光eon物m cj , j = 0, . . . , n − 1, it follows that cj = αj Pn−1 k=0 αk , where αj = 1 2 ( Yn−1 k=0 pj+k + Yn−1 k=0 qj−k) + Xn−1 m=1 ( Ym k=1 qj+k Yn−1 k=m pj+k). Here indices are taken modulo n. For example, if n = 4 (see Fig. 9), we have bc bc bc bc rsF P0 p0 q0 P1 p1 q1 P2 p2 q2 P3 p3 q3 Figure 9: A four-sided face with its knot intervals. α0 = p0 p1 p2 p3 + q0q1q2q3 2 + q1 p1 p2 p3 + q1q2 p2 p3 + q1q2q3 p3 α1 = p0 p1 p2 p3 + q0q1q2q3 2 + q2 p2 p3 p0 + q2q3 p3 p0 + q2q3q0 p0 α2 = p0 p1 p2 p3 + q0q1q2q3 2 + q3 p3 p0 p1 + q3q0 p0 p1 + q3q0q1 p1 α3 = p0 p1 p2 p3 + q0q1q2q3 2 + q0 p0 p1 p2 + q0q1 p1 p2 + q0q1q2 p2 4.2. Convergence and continuity analysis For an n-sided face at subdivision level k with vertices P k 0 , . . . , P k n−1 , its face point F and new vertices P k+1 i , i = 0, . . . , n − 1 are all linear combinations of old vertices. The construction in previous section guarantees that F is the limit point corresponding to the extraordinary point (i.e. the center) of the face. Theorem 1. The NURDS scheme is convergent at extraordinary points of arbitrary valence. Proof. By Eq. (4), for i = 0, . . . , n − 1, we have: kP k+1 i − Fk = 1 4 (P k i + E k i−1 + E k i + F) − F = 1 4 (1 + qi+1 pi + qi+1 + pi−1 pi−1 + qi )(P k i − F) + qi pi−1 + qi (P k i−1 − F) + pi pi + qi+1 (P k i+1 − F) ≤ 3 4 max 0≤j≤n−1 kP k j − Fk ≤ ( 3 4 ) k+1 max 0≤j≤n−1 kP 0 j − Fk , Then for i = 0, . . . , n − 1, lim k→∞ P k i = F . As a consequence, each n-sided face converges to its face point on the limit surface. Ci Ei−1,2 Ei1 Ei2 Pi Pi−1 Pi+1 bc bc bc bc bc bc bc bc bc bc bc bc bc bc bc bc bc bc bc bc Figure 10: Configuration surrounding a type F face. Like the analysis for quadratic NURSSes in [5], only type F faces are needed to be analyzed for G 1 continuity. After at most two steps of subdivision, the configuration surrounding a type F face may be represented as in Fig. 10. In the center lies the face (of type F) P0P1 . . .Pn−1. Each edge of this face (for example PiPi+1) is adjacent to a four-sided face of type E with vertices PiPi+1Ei2Ei1. The neighborhood of each vertex Pi is completed by a four-sided face of type V with vertices PiEi1CiE(i−1)2. The refinement formulas are as follows: Pi = 1 4 (2 + ci + ri − ri−1)Pi + 1 4 X |i−j|>1 cjPj + 1 4 (ci−1 + ri−1)Pi−1 + 1 4 (1 + ci+1 − ri)Pi+1, Ei1 = 3 8 (1 + ri)Pi + 3 8 (1 − ri)Pi+1 + 1 8 (1 + ri)Ej1 + 1 8 (1 − ri)Ej2, Ei2 = 3 8 riPi + 3 8 (2 − ri)Pi+1 + 1 8 riEj1 + 1 8 (2 − ri)Ej2, Ci = 1 16 (9Pi + 3Ei1 + 3Ei−1,2 + Ci). where rj = qj+1/(pj + qj+1), j = 0, . . . , n − 1, and indices are taken modulo n. For positive knot intervals, it follows that 0 < rj < 1, j = 0, . . . , n − 1. Let the control point vector around this type F be represented by M = [P0, . . . , Pn−1, E01, E02, . . . , En−1,1En−1,2, C0 . . . , Cn−1] and M be the corresponding control point vector after subdivision. Then M = SnM, where Sn is a 4n × 4n matrix called the 5