集成电路中电容结构示例 Metal contact to lst poly Metal contacts 2nd doped Ist doped poly lay Substrate Substrate Dielectric material (oxide) Doped poly layer 2nd, nt poly plat Metal contact to diffused region Ist, nt poly Substrate Substrate Dielectric material KIne 半导体制造技术 Figure 3.3 电信学院微电子教研室 by Michael Quirk and Julian Serda半导体制造技术 电信学院微电子教研室 by Michael Quirk and Julian Serda 集成电路中电容结构示例 Substrate Metal contacts Substrate Dielectric material (oxide) 2nd doped poly layer Metal contact to 1st poly 1st doped poly layer Substrate Metal contact to diffused region Doped poly layer Substrate 1st, n+ poly plate 2nd, n+ poly plate Dielectric material (oxide) Figure 3.3
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