15.The writer of"The History of Tom Jones,a Foundling"is 16. was Richardson's first novel.It is also the first novel in Englishiteratur 17.Goldsmith's only novel is "which is also his masterpiece.His best-known comedy is“ 18 was the most important playwright of the 18th century.and his masterpiece is 19.The author of"The Tiger"is 20. ranks among the greatest satirists of England,and of the world."A Modest Proposals"is one of his satirical works. II Choose the best answer for each statement 1.The 18th ce ury witne ses that in England there appeared two political parties】 which were satirized by Swift in his"Gulliver's Travels" A.The Whigs and the Tories B.the senate and the House of Representatives C.the upper House and lower House D.the House of Lords and the House of Commons During the reign of reason the enlightenment meant education of people to free them from all the unreasonable fetters.which include A theology B theocracy C.feudal government forms D all of the above 3.In the middle decades of. became the leader of the A.Pope B.Samuel Johnson C Robert Burns D Williams Blake 4.Choose the works not written by Swift. AA Tale of a Tub B A Modest Pronosal C.The Battle of Books D.The Rape of the Lock 5.Choose the works not written by Henry Fielding A.Joseph Andrews B.The Life of Mr.Jonathan Wild the Great C.The History of Tom Jones,a Foundling D.A Modest Pre 6.In the field of prose fiction ofthe century.sentimentalism had its fine expression.Choose the sentimentalist novelist from the following: A Jonathan Swift B Daniel Defoe C Oliver Goldsmith d Henry fielding 7 Choose the n vel written by Steme A.ASentimental Joumey B.The Vicar of Wakefield C.Joseph Andrews D.Vanity Fair 8.Among the following which is Sheridan's comedy? A.The School for Scandal B.She Stoops to Conquer C.The Vicar of Wakefield D.Everyman in His Humor15. The writer of “The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling” is . 16. “ ” was Richardson’s first novel. It is also the first novel in English literature. 17. Goldsmith’s only novel is “ ” which is also his masterpiece. His best-known comedy is “ ”. 18. was the most important playwright of the 18th century, and his masterpiece is “ ”. 19. The author of “The Tiger” is . 20. ranks among the greatest satirists of England, and of the world. “A Modest Proposals” is one of his satirical works. ⅡChoose the best answer for each statement. 1. The 18th century witnesses that in England there appeared two political parties , which were satirized by Swift in his “Gulliver’s Travels”. A. The Whigs and the Tories B. the senate and the House of Representatives C. the upper House and lower House D. the House of Lords and the House of Commons 2. During the reign of reason the enlightenment meant education of people to free them from all the unreasonable fetters, which include . A. theology B. theocracy C. feudal government forms D. all of the above 3. In the middle decades of the 18th century, became the leader of the classic school in English poetry and prose. A. Pope B. Samuel Johnson C. Robert Burns D. Williams Blake 4. Choose the works not written by Swift. A. A Tale of a Tub B. A Modest Proposal C. The Battle of Books D. The Rape of the Lock 5. Choose the works not written by Henry Fielding. A. Joseph Andrews B. The Life of Mr. Jonathan Wild the Great C. The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling D. A Modest Proposal 6. In the field of prose fiction of the 18th century, sentimentalism had its fine expression. Choose the sentimentalist novelist from the following: A. Jonathan Swift B. Daniel Defoe C. Oliver Goldsmith D. Henry Fielding 7. Choose the novel written by Sterne: A. A Sentimental Journey B. The Vicar of Wakefield C. Joseph Andrews D. Vanity Fair 8. Among the following which is Sheridan’s comedy? A. The School for Scandal B. She Stoops to Conquer C. The Vicar of Wakefield D. Everyman in His Humor
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