1.()Death Be Not Proud a John Dryden )On His Blindness b.John Miltor )Of Truth c.John Donne 4.)The Pilgrim's Progress d.Francis Bacon 5.()An Essay of Dramatic Poesy e.John Bunyan V.Answer the following questions. ke a comment on the 3.Make a brief introduction to "Paradise Lost"and discuss its theme and characterization. Part VI The Age of Enlightenmentin England I Fill in the following blanks: 1.The was a progressive intellectual movement throughout western Europein thecentury. 2.There appeared two groups of English enlighteners,one is the moderate group,the other is 3.The main literary stream of 18th century was What the writers describes were mainly social realities 4.Generally speaking.of themay bedivded int three periods The first period was characterized by the neo-classicism,of which was the representative poet. is undoubtedly the greatest poet Scotland has ever produced.His "Poems chiefly in the scottish Dialect"is of great significance as the most remarkable satir ts in the1century who criticized the new bourgeois s-aristocratic society of his age without mercy. found its representative writers in the field of poetry.such as Edward Young and Thomas Gray,but it manifested itself chiefly in the novels of Laurence Sterne and Oliver Goldsmith. 8 Pope's" was a comprehensive study of theories of literary criticism. 9.As a poet,Blake's fame has been chiefly resting upon two volumes of poems "and"The Songs of Experience" 10.The Tatler'”and“ were Steele and Addison's chief contribution to English literature. 11.Today Edward Young is chiefly remembered for his major work" ” which is a didacticpoer of ab out ten thousar bla nk vers 12. wrote some patriotic poems,in which he expressed his deep love for his motherland,such as"My Heart's in the Highlands" 13.Daniel Defoe's masterpiece is" 14.Jonathan Swift's masterpiece is" 1. ( ) Death Be Not Proud a. John Dryden 2. ( ) On His Blindness b. John Milton 3. ( ) Of Truth c. John Donne 4. ( ) The Pilgrim’s Progress d. Francis Bacon 5. ( ) An Essay of Dramatic Poesy e. John Bunyan Ⅴ.Answer the following questions. 1. Make a comment on the image of Satan in “Paradise Lost”. 2. What are the features of Milton’s poetry? 3. Make a brief introduction to “Paradise Lost” and discuss its theme and characterization. Part Ⅵ The Age of Enlightenment in England ⅠFill in the following blanks: 1. The was a progressive intellectual movement throughout western Europe in the 18th century. 2. There appeared two groups of English enlighteners, one is the moderate group, the other is . 3. The main literary stream of 18th century was . What the writers describes were mainly social realities. 4. Generally speaking, English literature of the 18th may be divided into three periods. The first period was characterized by the neo-classicism, of which was the representative poet. 5. is undoubtedly the greatest poet Scotland has ever produced. His “Poems Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect” is of great significance. 6. was the most remarkable satirists in the 18th century who criticized the new bourgeois-aristocratic society of his age without mercy. 7. found its representative writers in the field of poetry, such as Edward Young and Thomas Gray, but it manifested itself chiefly in the novels of Laurence Sterne and Oliver Goldsmith. 8. Pope’s “ ” was a comprehensive study of theories of literary criticism. 9. As a poet, Blake’s fame has been chiefly resting upon two volumes of poems, “ ” and “The Songs of Experience”. 10. “The Tatler” and “ ” were Steele and Addison’s chief contribution to English literature. 11. Today Edward Young is chiefly remembered for his major work “ ”, which is a didactic poem of about ten thousand lines of blank verse in none books. 12. wrote some patriotic poems, in which he expressed his deep love for his motherland, such as “My Heart’s in the Highlands”. 13. Daniel Defoe’s masterpiece is “ ”. 14. Jonathan Swift’s masterpiece is “
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