6.What is the theme of"Hamlet"? 7.Make comments on the heroines in Shakespeare's comedies. Part V The Period of Revolution and Restoration I Fill in the following blanks: 1.In 1642,civil war broke out in England,the royalists were defeated by the parliament army led by _In 1649,Charles I was sentenced to death,and England was declared to be a commonwealth. 2.The Revolution period is also called because the English Revolution arried out under a religious cloak 3.In Revolution perio towers over his age as William Shakespeare towers over the Elizabethan Age. 4.In the field of prose writing of the Puritan Age, occupied the most important place. IIChoose the best answer for each statement. 1.In1649 was beheaded.England became a commonwealth A.James B.James Il C.Charles I D.Chaeles II 2.Who of the following was the important metaphysical poet? A.John Donn B.John Miltor C.Richard Lovelace D.S imson Agonistes 3.Which works was not written by Milton? A.Paradise Lost B.Paradise Regained C.Samson Agonistes D.Volpone 4 Of the n emporaries and s Shakespeare.the most important and any co well-known was o became the poet laureate in 1616 A.John Dryden B.Samuel Johnson C.Ben Johnson D.Robert Southev 5.The main literary form of seventeenth century was poetry.Among the poets,Milton was the greatest.Besides him,there are two groups of poets.They were II.Correct each error in each statement. “Paradise I,ost”is one of Milton's novels 2.Satan is the hero in Milton's masterpiece"Prometheus Unbound". 3.John Dryden's masterpiece"The Pilgrim's Progress"is an allegory,a narrative in which ch as si .despair,and faith ar te ed as people or as aspects o of the natural world 4.In English literature,the Restoration period is traditionally called "Age of Chaucer". IV.Find the relevant match from column B for each item in column A. A B6. What is the theme of “Hamlet”? 7. Make comments on the heroines in Shakespeare’s comedies. Part Ⅴ The Period of Revolution and Restoration ⅠFill in the following blanks: 1. In 1642, civil war broke out in England, the royalists were defeated by the parliament army led by . In 1649, CharlesⅠwas sentenced to death, and England was declared to be a commonwealth. 2. The Revolution period is also called , because the English Revolution was carried out under a religious cloak. 3. In Revolution period towers over his age as William Shakespeare towers over the Elizabethan Age. 4. In the field of prose writing of the Puritan Age, occupied the most important place. ⅡChoose the best answer for each statement. 1. In 1649, was beheaded. England became a commonwealth. A. James Ⅰ B. James Ⅱ C. Charles Ⅰ D. Chaeles Ⅱ 2. Who of the following was the important metaphysical poet? A. John Donne B. John Milton C. Richard Lovelace D. Samson Agonistes 3. Which works was not written by Milton? A. Paradise Lost B. Paradise Regained C. Samson Agonistes D. Volpone 4. Of the many contemporaries and successors of Shakespeare, the most important and well-known was , who became the poet laureate in 1616. A. John Dryden B. Samuel Johnson C. Ben Johnson D. Robert Southey 5. The main literary form of seventeenth century was poetry. Among the poets, Milton was the greatest. Besides him, there are two groups of poets. They were . Ⅲ. Correct each error in each statement. 1. “Paradise Lost” is one of Milton’s novels. 2. Satan is the hero in Milton’s masterpiece “Prometheus Unbound”. 3. John Dryden’s masterpiece “The Pilgrim’s Progress” is an allegory, a narrative in which general concepts such as sins, despair, and faith are represented as people or as aspects of the natural world. 4. In English literature, the Restoration period is traditionally called “Age of Chaucer”. Ⅳ. Find the relevant match from column B for each item in column A. A B
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