14 work.One has been the search for fungal metabolites with useful pharmaceutical activity;this has led to several compounds that have achieved commercial im- portance.These include the statins such as lovastatin (mevinolin)(1.31)from Aspergillus terreus (1974)which is used for the inhibition of cholesterol bio- synthesis.The cyclosporins were discovered in 1970 as metabolites of the fungi Cylindrocarpon lucidum and Tolypocladium inflation and their undecapeptide structu reported in 1976 The widely as im TL agents e of aph inibitor of DNA polymerase ephal has been examined as a potential tumour inhibitor and anti-viral agent.Pleuro mutilin (1.33)was first described in 1951 from Pleurotus mutilus and its structure was established in 1962.It is the core for the antibiotic thiamulin.The oude- mansins (1.34)and strobilurins are a family of anti-fungal B-methoxyacrylates that were first isolated in 1977.They have subsequently been isolated from many tenacellus.The B-methoxya iet ture for a novel range of c etic fungicide OH 1.32 3 Me020 OMe 1.34 The second major area of investigation has been into those fungi responsible for plant diseases.Particular attention has been paid to Dutch elm disease (Ceratocystis ulmi),to Botrytis cinerea,which is a pathogen on many com- mercial crops,and to those fungi that are pathogens on the Gramineae such as wheat,barley and rice.The phytotoxic metabolites of the honey-fungus. Armillaria mellea.have been thoroughly examined by several groups.The constituents of other Basidiomy ,and their i。 particularly those grow wild in Western urope gical a acted attentio on espec through the Work of Steglich.Many of The microbiological hydroxylation of the steroid progesterone(1.35)at C-11 by Rhizopus arrhizus was reported in 1952.This biotransformation,which is now carried out commercially on a substantial scale,provided the facile means ofwork. One has been the search for fungal metabolites with useful pharmaceutical activity; this has led to several compounds that have achieved commercial im￾portance. These include the statins such as lovastatin (mevinolin) (1.31) from Aspergillus terreus (1974) which is used for the inhibition of cholesterol bio￾synthesis. The cyclosporins were discovered in 1970 as metabolites of the fungi Cylindrocarpon lucidum and Tolypocladium inflation and their undecapeptide structure was reported in 1976. They are widely used as immunosuppressant agents. The structure of aphidicolin (1.32) from Cephalosporium aphidicola was reported in 1972. This metabolite is a potent inhibitor of DNA polymerase a and has been examined as a potential tumour inhibitor and anti-viral agent. Pleuro￾mutilin (1.33) was first described in 1951 from Pleurotus mutilus and its structure was established in 1962. It is the core for the antibiotic thiamulins. The oude￾mansins (1.34) and strobilurins are a family of anti-fungal b-methoxyacrylates that were first isolated in 1977. They have subsequently been isolated from many Basidiomycetes, such as Strobilurus tenacellus. The b-methoxyacrylate moiety formed the lead structure for a novel range of commercial synthetic fungicides such as azoxystrobins. HO H OH H OH HO 1.32 H O OH O HO O 1.33 MeO2C OMe 1.34 The second major area of investigation has been into those fungi responsible for plant diseases. Particular attention has been paid to Dutch elm disease (Ceratocystis ulmi), to Botrytis cinerea, which is a pathogen on many com￾mercial crops, and to those fungi that are pathogens on the Gramineae such as wheat, barley and rice. The phytotoxic metabolites of the honey-fungus, Armillaria mellea, have been thoroughly examined by several groups. The constituents of other Basidiomycetes, particularly those growing wild in Western Europe, and their biological activity has attracted attention especially through the work of Steglich. Many of these metabolites are sesquiterpenoids. The microbiological hydroxylation of the steroid progesterone (1.35) at C-11 by Rhizopus arrhizus was reported in 1952. This biotransformation, which is now carried out commercially on a substantial scale, provided the facile means of 14 Chapter 1
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