岗仟经所蜀号大学 《商务英语》 授课教案 ·hang a picture in a conspicuous place把画挂在一个显眼的地方 She's always conspicuous because of her bright clothes and queer hair style. 因为她衣着鲜艳,发型古怪,所以总是惹人注目 12.Without it,heavy fines or penalties are imposed against the exporter by the importing country. 没有原产地标志,进口国会对出口商课以重税或重金罚款。 impose:To establish or apply as compulsory;levy:强制地建立或运用;征收: ·impose a tax.征税 13.This can occur if the goods show a place of manufacture with the same name as that of a place in the importing country,e.g.London,England,compared with London,Canada and London, USA. 在产品的生产地与进口国某地同名的情况下可能发生这种情况,例如:英国的伦敦与加拿大的 伦敦和美国的伦敦相比较。 此句是一个复合句,主句在前,后接if引导的条件状语从句。过去分词短语“compared wit'” 在条件状语从句中充当状语。例如: If you compare our products with theirs,you will agree that our price is not high at all. 如果拿我们产品同他们的产品相比较,你们就会同意我们的价格根本不高。 Compared with the previous year,the average retail price was reduced 9 per cent. 同前一年相比,平均零售价格降低了9%。 The quality and prices of our products compare very favorably with those of other suppliers. 我们的产品同其他供应商的产品比较,质量不次,价格不高。 14.compare with和.进行比较 Please compare your translation with the model translation on the blackboard. 请将你的译文与黑板上的译文标准进行比较。 The police compared the forged signature with the original. 警察将伪造的签名与原来的作比较。 15.In the case of goods which require to be specially handled,such instructions are always expressed on the package in words such as“This Way Up”,“Keep Away From Heat”,or in the form of internationally recognized symbols. 对装卸时需加以特别注意的货物,包装上总是标有诸如“此端向上”、防热等文字或世界上通 用的指示性符号。 In the case of: (I)=as far as;as for就.来说,至于 In the case of you,no remedial writing course is needed. (2)=in case of在..情况下;万一;假如 In (the)case of fire,call 119.《商务英语》 授课教案 7 • hang a picture in a conspicuous place 把画挂在一个显眼的地方 • She's always conspicuous because of her bright clothes and queer hair style. 因为她衣着鲜艳,发型古怪,所以总是惹人注目 12. Without it, heavy fines or penalties are imposed against the exporter by the importing country. 没有原产地标志,进口国会对出口商课以重税或重金罚款。 impose: To establish or apply as compulsory; levy: 强制地建立或运用;征收: • impose a tax. 征税 13. This can occur if the goods show a place of manufacture with the same name as that of a place in the importing country, e.g. London, England, compared with London, Canada and London, USA. 在产品的生产地与进口国某地同名的情况下可能发生这种情况,例如:英国的伦敦与加拿大的 伦敦和美国的伦敦相比较。 此句是一个复合句,主句在前,后接 if 引导的条件状语从句。过去分词短语“compared wit” 在条件状语从句中充当状语。例如: If you compare our products with theirs, you will agree that our price is not high at all. 如果拿我们产品同他们的产品相比较,你们就会同意我们的价格根本不高。 Compared with the previous year, the average retail price was reduced 9 per cent. 同前一年相比,平均零售价格降低了 9%。 The quality and prices of our products compare very favorably with those of other suppliers. 我们的产品同其他供应商的产品比较,质量不次,价格不高。 14. compare with 和...进行比较 Please compare your translation with the model translation on the blackboard. 请将你的译文与黑板上的译文标准进行比较。 The police compared the forged signature with the original. 警察将伪造的签名与原来的作比较。 15. In the case of goods which require to be specially handled, such instructions are always expressed on the package in words such as “This Way Up”, “Keep Away From Heat”, or in the form of internationally recognized symbols. 对装卸时需加以特别注意的货物,包装上总是标有诸如“此端向上”、“防热”等文字或世界上通 用的指示性符号。 In the case of: (1) =as far as; as for 就...来说,至于 In the case of you, no remedial writing course is needed. (2)=in case of 在…情况下;万一;假如 In (the) case of fire, call 119
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