Reading and researching Synthesize key points from para. 1-6 1. Model 1(para. 1-4 Business-to-business(B2B) customer focus -other companies or businesses Type 1: Focus-facilitating sales transactions between businesses Example: Dell Type 2: Focus - relationship with suppliers Example: General Motors and Ford 2. Model 2(para. 5-6): Business-to-consumer(B2C) customer focus-individual consumers Examples: Barnes&Noble. com, Lands'end. comReading and Researching Synthesize key points from para. 1-6 1. Model 1 (para. 1-4): Business-to-business (B2B): customer focus – other companies or businesses • Type 1: Focus – facilitating sales transactions between businesses – Example: Dell • Type 2: Focus – relationship with suppliers – Example: General Motors and Ford 2. Model 2 (para. 5-6): Business-to-consumer (B2C): customer focus – individual consumers • Examples: Barnes&, Lands’