安乐死 euthanasia 安全带损伤 seat belt injury 凹陷性骨扔 depressed fracture 0 白骨化 skeletonized remains 半接触枪创 膀胱损 保存型尸体 preserved corpse 保险杠损伤 bumper injury 暴力性死言 violent death 爆炸 爆炸伤 explosior explosion injury 被虐待儿童综合征 battered child syndrome 病毒性心肌炎 viral mvocard itis 病理性死亡 pathological death 病理性室息 gical asphyxi 病态窦房结综合症 不可逆转的昏迷 irreversible coma 0 擦过枪弹创 grazing bullet wound 擦痕 grazes,brush abrasior 擦伤 abrasion 擦拭轮 abrasion collar 产南 canut succedaneum 超生反应 supravital reaction 招牛期 ravital period 成人呼吸窘迫综合征 adult respiratory distress syndrome,ARDS 迟发性溺死 delayed drowning 冲击波 blast wave 冲击性脑挫伤 coup contusion 船舶事故损伤 ship wreck injury 创 wound 创伤性室息 traumatic asphyxia 创伤愈合 wound healing 锤击伤 iniury by hammer 刺创 stab wound 刺切创 裂创 stab incised wound laceration 挫伤 contusion bruise 挫伤轮 contusion collar A 安乐死 euthanasia 安全带损伤 seat belt injury 凹陷性骨折 depressed fracture B 白骨化 skeletonized remains 半接触枪创 near contact gun-shot wound 膀胱损伤 injuries of the urinary bladder 保存型尸体 preserved corpse 保险杠损伤 bumper injury 暴力性死亡 violent death 爆炸 explosion 爆炸伤 explosion injury 被虐待儿童综合征 battered child syndrome 病毒性心肌炎 viral myocarditis 病理性死亡 pathological death 病理性窒息 pathological asphyxia 病态窦房结综合症 sick sinus syndrome 不可逆转的昏迷 irreversible coma C 擦过枪弹创 grazing bullet wound 擦痕 grazes, brush abrasion 擦伤 abrasion 擦拭轮 abrasion collar 产瘤 caput succedaneum 超生反应 supravital reaction 超生期 supravital period 成人呼吸窘迫综合征 adult respiratory distress syndrome, ARDS 迟发性溺死 delayed drowning 冲击波 blast wave 冲击性脑挫伤 coup contusion 船舶事故损伤 shipwreck injury 创 wound 创伤性窒息 traumatic asphyxia 创伤愈合 wound healing 锤击伤 injury by hammer 刺创 stab wound 刺切创 stab incised wound 挫裂创 laceration 挫伤 contusion bruise 挫伤轮 contusion collar
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