0 道路交通事故损伤 road traffic accident injury,RTAI 低角度射击 shallow angle fire 低血糖症 hypoglycemia 抵抗伤 defense wound 电击死 electric death electric mark electric lethargy 电流性水肿 electric edema 电烧伤 electric burns 电损伤或电击伤 electric injury,electric burns 申性室息 asphyxia 冻伤 frostbite 冻列死 death from cold 窦房结动脉狭窄 stenosis of sinoaurieular artery 对冲性骨折 contrecoup fracture 对冲性脑挫伤 contrecoup contusion 钝力性心损伤 钝器伤 bluntinjuries of the heart blunt force injury,blunt instrument injury 鹅皮样皮肤 gooseflesh,cutis anserina 扼死 二次射入创 法医病理学 forensic pathology 法医昆虫学 forensic entomolo 反常脱衣现象 反跳枪弹创 ricochet bullet wound 方向盘挤压损伤 steering wheel injury 放射状骨折 radial fracture 非典型射入口 atypical entrance bullet wound 非法行医 medical pr 非法行医罪 guilt of ilegal medical practic 非医源性医疗纠纷 noniatrogenic medical tangle 非自然死亡 unnatural death 肺挫伤 contusion of the lung 肺动脉狭窄 ary art rial e bolism 肺浮扬试验 hydrostaticte 肺裂创 of lung laceration of the lungs 肺气肝 pulmonary emphysema 肺死亡 pulmonary death 肺损伤 injuries of the lungsD 道路交通事故损伤 road traffic accident injury,RTAI 低角度射击 shallow angle fire 低血糖症 hypoglycemia 抵抗伤 defense wound 电击死 electric death 电流斑,电流印记 electric mark 电流性昏睡 electric lethargy 电流性水肿 electric edema 电烧伤 electric burns 电损伤或电击伤 electric injury, electric burns 电性窒息 electrical asphyxia 冻伤 frostbite 冻死 death from cold 窦房结动脉狭窄 stenosis of sinoaurieular artery 对冲性骨折 contrecoup fracture 对冲性脑挫伤 contrecoup contusion 钝力性心损伤 blunt injuries of the heart 钝器伤 blunt force injury, blunt instrument injury E 鹅皮样皮肤 gooseflesh,cutis anserina 扼死 manual strangulation 二次射入创 reentry wound F 法医病理学 forensic pathology 法医昆虫学 forensic entomology 反常脱衣现象 paradoxical undressing 反跳枪弹创 ricochet bullet wound 方向盘挤压损伤 steering wheel injury 放射状骨折 radial fracture 非典型射入口 atypical entrance bullet wound 非法行医 illegal medical practice 非法行医罪 guilt of illegal medical practice 非医源性医疗纠纷 noniatrogenic medical tangle 非自然死亡 unnatural death 肺挫伤 contusion of the lungs 肺动脉狭窄 pulmonary arterial embolism 肺浮扬试验 hydrostatic test of lung 肺裂创 laceration of the lungs 肺气肿 pulmonary emphysema 肺死亡 pulmonary death 肺损伤 injuries of the lungs
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