肺性脑病 pulmonary encephalopathy 肺炎 分子死亡 pneum molecular death 粉碎性骨打 comminuted fracture 浮尸 floating cadaver 浮游生物 plankton 斧背伤 辅助死因 injury by back ofe 腐败 of death decomposition,putrefaction 腐败静脉网 putrefactive networks 腐败气泡 putrefactive blister 腹部损伤 abdominal injuries G 性溺死 dry drowning 肝损伤 iniuries of the liver 高坠伤 injury by fall from height 睾丸鞘膜积血 cele 睾丸鞘膜外伤性积水 个人识别 personal identification of the deceased 根本死因 primary cause of death 哽 death from choking 宫外孕 沟状枪创 gutter wound the ancient corpse 骨发育不良 osteogenesis imperfecta 骨折 fracture 骨折性脑挫伤 fracture contusion 骨珍珠 s pearls 冠状动脉口狭窄 stenosis of opening of coronary artery 冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病 arterioscterotic coronary heart disease 贯通枪弹创 perforating bullet wound 硅藻 diatom 棍棒伤 injury by club 过敏性猝死 sudden death from hypersensitivity 航空事故损伤 aviation accident injury 合法他杀死 death from justifiable homicide 呼吸机脑 ory brain 呼吸性死亡 respiratory death 滑动性脑挫伤 gliding contusion 化骨核 ossification center 坏死 necrosis 肺性脑病 pulmonary encephalopathy 肺炎 pneumonia 分子死亡 molecular death 粉碎性骨折 comminuted fracture 浮尸 floating cadaver 浮游生物 plankton 斧背伤 injury by back of axe 辅助死因 contributory cause of death 腐败 decomposition, putrefaction 腐败静脉网 putrefactive networks 腐败气泡 putrefactive blister 腹部损伤 abdominal injuries G 干性溺死 dry drowning 肝损伤 injuries of the liver 高坠伤 injury by fall from height 睾丸鞘膜积血 hematocele 睾丸鞘膜外伤性积水 traumatic hydrocele 个人识别 personal identification of the deceased 根本死因 primary cause of death 哽死 death from choking 宫外孕 extrauterine pregnancy 沟状枪创 gutter wound 古尸 the ancient corpse 骨发育不良 osteogenesis imperfecta 骨折 fracture 骨折性脑挫伤 fracture contusion 骨珍珠 osseous pearls 冠状动脉口狭窄 stenosis of opening of coronary artery 冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病 arterioscterotic coronary heart disease 贯通枪弹创 perforating bullet wound 硅藻 diatom 棍棒伤 injury by club 过敏性猝死 sudden death from hypersensitivity H 航空事故损伤 aviation accident injury 合法他杀死 death from justifiable homicide 呼吸机脑 respiratory brain 呼吸性死亡 respiratory death 滑动性脑挫伤 gliding contusion 化骨核 ossification center 坏死 necrosis
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