PREFACE Principles of Organic Medicinal Chemistry is concerned with chemistry,synthesis,struc ture ac sproperties and uses drug compound This book hg concise form covering all newer drugs will help the rea ers to a great exten ournals.and students of pharmacy. It is impossible to ex my indebtedness to those authors of various books.articles and m Aa major Education Soci ty Guntu aceut and Pri staft member I am also wish to acknowled indebtedness to all who have assisted with the completion of the ook.The of p rs,Me nd pul tained cooperation of my wife and daughter cann't be ignored. I have made every effort to avoid printing errors.However,despite best efforts,some might have crept in inadvertently.Is e obli hed i t these are bro ught to m ok will e Con fully acknowledged,as they will certainly help to improve future editions of the book. that the book will be receive effective text book by bothC-8—N-CHEMI\TITLE.PM5 3  Principles of Organic Medicinal Chemistry is concerned with chemistry, synthesis, struc￾ture activity relationships, properties and uses of drugs of carbon compounds. This book has primarily been written with the aim of meeting the needs and interests of undergraduate and graduate pharmacy course according to syllabi of various Indian Universities. The book is a concise form covering all newer drugs will help the readers to a great extent. Though several books are available on medicinal chemistry, the material in most of them is present in a diffused form or highly specialized. In the ever expanding knowledge of the chemistry of drugs it is very difficult to go through the various textbooks, journals, and pharmacopoeias. The major objective of writing this book is to present the information in a lucid, condensed and cohesive form, to cater specially the needs of undergraduate and graduate students of pharmacy. It is impossible to express my indebtedness to those authors of various books, articles and monographs mentioned in bibliography, which became a major source of information for writing this text. I wish to recall my gratitude to Sri Y.V. Anjaneyulu, Chairman, Chalapathi Education Society, Guntur, members of Siddhartha Academy, Vijayawada, staff members of Chalapathi Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Guntur, and Principal and staff members of KVSR Siddhartha College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vijayawada for their kind cooperation. I am also wish to acknowledge indebtedness to all who have assisted with the completion of the book. The cooperation of publishers, Messrs New Age International (P) Limited and publishers is very much appreciated in bringing out this book. The contribution that I received by sus￾tained cooperation of my wife and daughter cann’t be ignored. I have made every effort to avoid printing errors. However, despite best efforts, some might have crept in inadvertently. I shall be oblished if these are brought to my notice. Con￾structive suggestions, comments and criticism on the subject matter of the book will be grate￾fully acknowledged, as they will certainly help to improve future editions of the book. It is hoped that the book will be received favorably as an effective text book by both students and teachers of pharmacy, science and medical scientists. Author
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