1559T_ch21_373-38810/18/0518:42Pa9e379 ⊕ EQA Solutions to Problems.379 (b)First make metha (e)First cycle: CH2=CH(CH2)3N(CH3)2CH3CH-CH(CH2)2N(CH)z N(CH3)z CH CHCH2CH-CH2 Second cyclez CH2-CHCH2CH-CH CHaCH-CHCH-CH2 CH=CH (e)First cycle: C)CO CH。 Second cycle ◇C (CH)2 (CH)2 (CH)2 (CHs)2 (CH Third cycl 41.The reaction takes place under acidic conditions. CHH-CH-OH一CH.NH-CHa,OH一 CH.NH c product Solutions to Problems • 379 (b) First make methanamine from iodomethane and either azide or phthalimide salt (similar to butanamine syntheses in (a), and then carry out reductive amination using the methanamine and butanal: (c) Make butanamine (a) and then go with double reductive amination using excess formaldehyde and NaBH3CN. Best way to make any N,N-dimethyl tertiary amines (see Problem 50). 40. (a) (b) (c) First cycle: CH2PCH(CH2)3N(CH3)2 CH3CHPCH(CH2)2N(CH3)2 N(CH3)2 A CH3CHCH2CHPCH2 Second cycle: CH2PCHCH2CHPCH2 CH3CHPCHCHPCH2 (d) (e) First cycle: Second cycle: Third cycle: 41. The reaction takes place under acidic conditions. CH3NH CH2 H3C H3C OH H  C C  product H Enol of aldehyde CH3NH2  CH3NH2 CH2 OH CH3NH CH2 OH2   H2C OH (CH3)2 N N N N (CH3)2 (CH3)2 (CH3)2 N (CH3)2 CH3 N CH3 N CH3 N CH3 N N(CH3)2 CH CH2 CH2 CH3 and CH ( CHCH Z and E) 3 CH3I CH3NHCH2CH2CH2CH3 1. CH3CH2CH2CHO 2. NaBH3CN, pH 3 1. N3  2. LiAlH4 CH3NH2 1559T_ch21_373-388 10/18/05 18:42 Page 379
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