Translation and comparison 8 He was schooled by life itself. 他没读过大学,全靠在社会中摸爬滚打积累经验。 They partied themselves out of job. 由于成天沉迷于聚会,他们最终丢掉了工作。 两个人心肝宝贝儿地叫了起来。 They my-loved and my-deared each other. 对于每个来中国旅行的游客,长城是必去之所。 The Great Wall is a must for any tourist to China.Translation and comparison He was schooled by life itself. They partied themselves out of job. 两个人心肝宝贝儿地叫了起来。 对于每个来中国旅行的游客,长城是必去之所。 他没读过大学,全靠在社会中摸爬滚打积累经验。 由于成天沉迷于聚会,他们最终丢掉了工作。 They my-loved and my-deared each other. The Great Wall is a must for any tourist to China