Organic Chemistry II with Dr Roche Lecture Notes http://crab.rutgers.edu/~alroche Email alroche@crab.rutgers.edu Room Sci311 labs:Sci328/309/319) Phone 225-6166 Text (a)“Organic Chemistry'”Wade,4..8 Editions (b)Solution Manual,4....Eds (organic model kit) Do the problems in the book Learn as you go along Aim for understanding,not memorization Chl4 Ethers and Epoxides (landscape).docx Page 0 Ch14 Ethers and Epoxides (landscape).docx Page 0 Organic Chemistry II with Dr Roche Lecture Notes http://crab.rutgers.edu/~alroche Email alroche@crab.rutgers.edu Room Sci 311 (labs: Sci 328/309/319) Phone 225-6166 Text (a) “Organic Chemistry” Wade, 4….8th Editions (b) Solution Manual, 4…..8th Eds (organic model kit) Do the problems in the book Learn as you go along Aim for understanding, not memorization
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