You can enter and edit data in the data Editor and use many different data types, A sample survey of income And the i.e. Numeric, String(alphanumeric), Date questionnaire shown below. Dollar(currency). However, you cant enter formulas or perform calculations in the data editor please use the transform 2. What is the highest education degree you have received? menu to calculate new values and Diploma Bachelor's degree Master's degree/Others variables and recode data elow $8000/S80015001500125000aboe25001 Suppose we have a data set. There are 10 sample rows of the data below: Sources and Organization of Data low$8000 s15001-25000 s8000-515000 25 Bachelor's degree s15001-25000 emale below $8000 35 Master's degree above S2500113 25 • You can enter and edit data in the Data Editor and use many different data types, i.e. Numeric, String (alphanumeric), Date, Dollar (currency). However, you can’t enter formulas or perform calculations in the Data Editor. Please use the Transform menu to calculate new values and variables and recode data. 26 Sources and Organization of Data 14 27 A sample survey of income. And the questionnaire shown below: 28 Suppose we have a data set. There are 10 sample rows of the data below: