SFM2: Iteration for finding the model point i: In this algorithm each point i(i=1, 2,. N)is found independently, so the following algorithm will be run n times E=Jm)*△M,so((m)*E=M SFM2: This △M=△X△Y△Z algorithm is to find the Base on the first guess M-o, find model m EL and (J(mlM k=0 a because they both depend on Mk=o Iterate(k=0, k=k max, k=k+1) △M, k Break if AM is small enough Next guess is MK+I=MK+AMK After the end of the above loop Mk is the resultSFM2: Iteration for finding the model point i: In this algorithm each point i (i=1,2,..N) is found independently , so the following algorithm will be run N times. • Pose estimation V0.a 15 ( )   ( ( )) ( ( )) ( ( )) is the result ~ After the end of the above loop } ~ ~ Next guessis Break if issmall enough ~ // if is not a square matrx, use pseudo inverse ~ find and { Iterate 0 _ max 1 ~ ,because they both depend on ~ and , find ~ Base on the first guess * ,so * 1 1 ( ) 1 ( ) 0 1 0 ( ) 0 0 1 ( ) ( ) k k k k k k k m k k m k k k m k k T m m M M M M M M J M E E J M J (k ,k K ,k k ) E J M M M M X Y Z E J M J E ΔM = +    = = = = +  =    =  = + − − = − = = = − SFM2: This algorithm is to find the model M
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