Paragi Figures computed by WHO to ensure comparability; they are not necessarily the official statistics of Member States, which may use alternative rigorous methods 1 Basic indicators for all WHo Member states POPULATION ESTIMATES 19932003 Total population (000) 5878 Annual growth rate( %) Dependency ratio(per 100) Percentage of population aged 60+ye ars 45 58 LIFE EXPECTANCY AT BIRTH (year Both sexes 69 Uncertainty PROBABILITY OF DYING(per 1000) Both sexes Under age 5 years (under-5 mortality rate y 2003 29 33 26 Uncertainty 23-3528-382230 Between ages 15 and 60 years (adult mortality rate) 2003 171 119 156·1861 See explanatory notes for sources and methods bUnder-five mortality rate is the probability (expressed as per 1000 live births)of a child born in a specific year dying before reaching five years of age, if subjected to current age-specific ortality rates. 2a Under-five mortality rates: estimates for 2003, annual average percent change 1990-2003, and availability of data 1980-2003 Under-5 mortality rate(both sexes) Data from available sources Annual average percent change 1980-1989 1990-1999 2000-2003 Latest available ye 1990-1994 1995-1999 VRSRS Survey/Census VRSRSSuvey/Census VR/ Sunvey/CensusVRSRS' 1.7 18 1.8 10 g 2 ortality rate is the probab ressed as per 1000 live births)of a child born in a specif ic year dying before reaching five years of age, if subjected to current age- specif ic mortality rates. The estimates presented here are the same as those published in Annex Table 1. See explanatory notes for sources and methods b The column"VR/SRS-vital registration/sample registration system shows the number of years of data from either system available at WHO The column"Survey/Census " shows the number of surveys and censuses available at WHO Not available 2b Under-five mortality rates(per 1000 directly obtained from surveys and vital registration, broken down by age and latest available period or year Post-neonatal months 6-11 months total 0-11 months 12-23 manths 24-59 monthstotar' 2000 m“ 5 10 16 1.5 a Results are computed from nationally representat a standard method or vital registration without amy adjustment. Care should be exercised when making inter- the results are method of calculation varies depending on sources and there are different degrees of completeness of vital registration data submitted by Member States. See ta from national vital registration systems refer to specific years whereas for surveys the results refer to a five-year period cVR: vital registration DHS: Demographic and Health Survey Data from vital registration reported to WHO are not sufficiently detailed to permit the calculation of post neonatal mortality rates for 28 days-5 months and 6-11 months. e Totals are not equivalent to the sum of the rates of the component age groups since the figures provided are probabilities of dying rather than rates in the strict sense Not available Page 1 of 3- Paraguay1 2003 --- --- - - 2a 2b b Data from national vital registration systems refer to specific years whereas for surveys the results refer to a five-year period. c VR: vital registration; DHS: Demographic and Health Survey. d Data from vital registration reported to WHO are not sufficiently detailed to permit the calculation of post neonatal mortality rates for 28 days-5 months and 6-11 months. e Totals are not equivalent to the sum of the rates of the component age groups since the figures provided are probabilities of dying rather than rates in the strict sense. … Not available. 171 156 186 119 106 133 22 26 30 2003 Uncertainty Between ages 15 and 60 years (adult mortality rate) Figures computed by WHO to ensure comparabilitya ; they are not necessarily the official statistics of Member States, which may use alternative rigorous methods. Males Females 74 68 Both sexes 33 70 74 76 69 75 5.5 3.8 2003 29 PROBABILITY OF DYING (per 1000) Under age 5 years (under-5 mortality rateb ) Both sexes 2003 5878 2.5 84 73 Total population (000) POPULATION ESTIMATES Annual growth rate (%) Dependency ratio (per 100) 28 38 Percentage of population aged 60+ years Uncertainty 23 LIFE EXPECTANCY AT BIRTH (years) Uncertainty Total fertility rate 5.2 4.5 a See explanatory notes for sources and methods. b Under-five mortality rate is the probability (expressed as per 1000 live births) of a child born in a specific year dying before reaching five years of age, if subjected to current age-specific mortality rates. VR/SRSb Survey/Censusc 2000 VR 14 5 10 Child 24-59 months totale 2 Source c Under-5 0-4 years 3 1980-1989 a Under-five mortality rate is the probability (expressed as per 1000 live births) of a child born in a specific year dying before reaching five years of age, if subjected to current age￾specific mortality rates. The estimates presented here are the same as those published in Annex Table 1. See explanatory notes for sources and methods. 1 VR/SRSb 10 1992 Neonatal 28 days- 5 months Post-neonatald … totale 6 a Results are computed from nationally representative surveys based on a standard method or vital registration without any adjustment. Care should be exercised when making inter￾country comparisons as the results are not directly comparable since the method of calculation varies depending on sources and there are different degrees of completeness of vital registration data submitted by Member States. See explanatory notes for definition of age groups. 12-23 months 1.5 Period or yearb Infant totale … 1.6 0-11 months Survey/Censusc VR/SRSb Survey/Censusc VR/SRSb Survey/Censusc 1990-1999 2000-2003 Latest available year Page 1 of 3 - Paraguay Paraguay 72 Under-5 mortality rate (both sexes)a Data from available sources 1993 70 35 Males Females 9 2 0 2002 b The column "VR /SRS" - vital registration/sample registration system shows the number of years of data from either system available at WHO. c The column "Survey/Census" shows the number of surveys and censuses available at WHO. … Not available. 0-27 days 6-11 months Under-five mortality rates (per 1000) directly obtained from surveys and vital registration, broken down by age and latest available period or year Under-five mortality rates: estimates for 2003, annual average percent change 1990-2003, and availability of data 1980-2003 Basic indicators for all WHO Member States Annual average percent change 1990-1994 1995-1999 2000-2003 -1.7 -1.8 -1.8
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