8 Selected indicators related to reproductive, maternal and newborn health (%)Ye Contraceptive prevalence rate(modern methods) 1+ ANC visits(%6) 4+ANC visits(%)Year regnant women who rec Births attended by skilled health personne 53 Births in health facilities Births by caesarean section Total Year No, of mi ailable Annual no of live births,2000(000) Maternal mortality ratio 2000(per 100 000 live births) Stillbirth rate 2000(per 1000 total births) Early neonatal mortality rate 2000(per 1000 live births) Neonatal mortality rate 2000(per 1000 live births) These data are estimates from various international sources and may not be the same as Member States'own estimates. They have not been submitted to Member States for See explanatory notes for sources and methods Estimates derived by regression and similar estimation methods. Page 3 of 3- Papua New Guinea8 78 4+ ANC visits (%) Year 2001 32 Stillbirth rate 2000 (per 1000 total births) These data are estimates from various international sources and may not be the same as Member States' own estimates. They have not been submitted to Member States for consideration.a a See explanatory notes for sources and methods. b Estimates derived by regression and similar estimation methods. 28b Page 3 of 3 - Papua New Guinea Early neonatal mortality rate 2000 (per 1000 live births) Neonatal mortality rate 2000 (per 1000 live births) 180 1996 Year 24 … 1996 … … Annual no. of live births, 2000 (000) Maternal mortality ratio 2000 (per 100 000 live births) … … 300b Total Year No. of midwives available Births by caesarean section … Births in health facilities Births attended by skilled health personnel (%) Contraceptive prevalence rate (modern methods) Pregnant women who received 53 (%) 20 1+ ANC visits (%) … Selected indicators related to reproductive, maternal and newborn health Year
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