2018/3/27 Three Stage of Prevention ◆ In predisease stage◆ Primary prevention How precision prediction might work factors in a favorable direction Genetic marker can be used in precision prediction ◆ In latent disease◆ Scondary prevention Methods to detect and address (1) Primary prevention(modifing the risk factors an existing disease prior to the (2)Secondary prevention (screening program) ◆ In symptomatic ◆ Tertiary prevention disease stage Methods to reduce the harm of Precision Prediction Interaction between Genetic and Environmenta/ risk Factors Complicated disease are caused by the interaction (1)Primary prevention between genetic predisposition and modifiable helping to predict a person s susceptibility to environmental factors adverse lifestyle exposures Chemical Factor r(intemal cause Life Style Interaction between Genetic and Environmental risk Factors Chemical factor at were determined by genetic factors at were influenced by both the genetic factors and D向 factors. They all play important roles in disease 3. Disease that depends entirely on environmental factors2018/3/27 5 Three Stage of Prevention In predisease stage Primary prevention Method to modify the risk factors in a favorable direction. In latent disease stage In symptomatic disease stage Scondary prevention Methods to detect and address an existing disease prior to the appearance of symptom. Tertiary prevention Methods to reduce the harm of symptomatic disease through rehabilitation and treatment. Genetic marker can be used in precision prediction (1) Primary prevention (modifing the risk factors) (2) Secondary prevention (screening program) (3) Tertiary prevention (disability limitation ) How precision prediction might work? Precision Prediction (1) Primary prevention helping to predict a person’s susceptibility to adverse lifestyle exposures. Interaction between Genetic and Environmental Risk Factors Complicated disease are caused by the interaction between genetic predisposition and modifiable environmental factors Environmental factors (internal cause) Genetic factors (external cause) Chemical Factor Physical factor Life Style Biotic Factor Risk factor Chemical Factor Smoke Automobile exhaust Indoor formaldehyde Genetic Factor metabolism Immune DNA damage repairement Hormone Biotic Factor Virus infection Parasite and Bacteria infection 3 Risk Factor for Tumor Phisical factor Ionizing radiation Ultraviolet rays Life Style Drinking、smoking Lack of physical activity Stress Interaction between Genetic and Environmental Risk Factors 3. Disease that depends entirely on environmental factors Nuclear radiation 2. Disease that were influenced by both the genetic factors and environmental factors. They all play important roles in disease pathogenesis. Complicated disease, such as sporadic cancer 1. Disease that were determined by genetic factors Hereditary syndrome