物理化学学报(Wuli Huaxue Xuebao) June Acta Phys.-Chim.5in.2009,25(6:1225-1231 1225 [Articlel www.whxb.pku.edu.cn 不同电解质体系中土壤胶体凝聚动力学的动态光散射研究 朱华玲 李兵熊海灵李航· 贾明云 (西南大学资源环境学院.重庆400716) 摘要:利用动态光散射技术研究在不同浓度的KNO,和MgNO,中土壤胶体颗粒的凝聚过程动力学.通过分 析凝聚过程中光强和有效粒径随时间的变化得到:()根据凝聚过程中光强的稳定与否,可以判 士壤胶休凝 过程中碰撞的发生是由布朗运动支配还是由重力作用支配:(②)在不问的电解质体系下土壤胶体凝聚表现为村 速凝聚特征或不同的慢速凝聚特征,并且在慢速凝聚中存在一个对重力绿感的电解质浓度:(3)两种电解质作用 下的土壤胶体凝聚特征相似,但对MgNO:体系浓度变化的敏感性远远大于KNO,体系.此外,通过分析凝聚 平均速率随电解质浓度的变化,找到慢速凝聚与快速凝聚的电解质浓度转折点,即临界絮凝浓度(C℉C.提供 了一个实验测定CF℃的可能方法 土壤胶体快速凝聚:慢速凝聚;动力学 Dynamic Light Scattering Study on the Aggregation Kinetics of Soil Colloidal Particles in Different Electrolyte Systems ZHU Hua-Ling LI Bing XⅪONGHai-Ling LI Hang' JIA Ming-Yur (College of Resource and Environment,Southwest University.Chongqing 400716.P.R.China) Abstract:Soil colloidal aggregation kinetics was studied at differentc ations of KNO,and Mg(NO)by (D)The ing if th fast diffusion-limited cluster ageregat ion (DLCA)characteror various slow reaction limited cluster regation (RLCA) characters and a gravity sensing electrolyte concentration exists in RLCA:(3)The aggregation characters induced by two electrolytes are essentially similar but the aggregating process is more sensitive to the Mg (NO),electrolyte concentration change than to KNO By analyzing the change of average aggregation velocity with electrolyte Key Words:Dynamic light scattering:Soil colloid:Fast aggregation:Slow aggregation:Kinetics 在胶体化学中,带电胶体的凝聚过程可用 解质类型及浓度等条件都会影响该排斥势垒的高 DLVO理论来描述四由于双电层的作用,胶体颗粒 低,从而决定胶体凝聚的概率.由于电解质不影响范 间存在一个排斥势垒.只有当胶体颗粒间的长程范 德华引力,可以在悬液中加入电解质压缩双电层降 德华引力位能大到足以克服该排斥势垒时,胶体颗 低排斥势垒,从而使胶体凝聚.借助计算机模拟。人 粒的凝聚才发生.胶体的表面电位、体系的温度、电 们得到了关于胶体凝聚的大量信息.基于布朗运动 Received:December Revised:March 12:Published on Web: Corresponding author.Email:hli22002@vaboo.comcn:Tel:+8623-68250674. 国家自然科学基金(40371061)和重庆市教委科学技术研究项目(KJ050206)资助 C Editorial office of Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica[Article] www.whxb.pku.edu.cn 物理化学学报(Wuli Huaxue Xuebao) Acta Phys. -Chim. Sin., 2009, 25(6):1225-1231June Received: December 8, 2008; Revised: March 12, 2009; Published on Web: April 16, 2009. *Corresponding author. Email: hli22002@yahoo.com.cn; Tel: +8623-68250674. 国家自然科学基金(40371061)和重庆市教委科学技术研究项目(KJ050205)资助 鬁 Editorial office of Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica 不同电解质体系中土壤胶体凝聚动力学的动态光散射研究 朱华玲 李 兵 熊海灵 李 航* 贾明云 (西南大学资源环境学院, 重庆 400716) 摘要: 利用动态光散射技术研究在不同浓度的 KNO3 和 Mg(NO3)2 中土壤胶体颗粒的凝聚过程动力学. 通过分 析凝聚过程中光强和有效粒径随时间的变化得到: (1) 根据凝聚过程中光强的稳定与否, 可以判断土壤胶体凝聚 过程中碰撞的发生是由布朗运动支配还是由重力作用支配; (2) 在不同的电解质体系下土壤胶体凝聚表现为快 速凝聚特征或不同的慢速凝聚特征, 并且在慢速凝聚中存在一个对重力敏感的电解质浓度; (3) 两种电解质作用 下的土壤胶体凝聚特征相似, 但对 Mg(NO3)2 体系浓度变化的敏感性远远大于 KNO3 体系. 此外, 通过分析凝聚 平均速率随电解质浓度的变化, 找到慢速凝聚与快速凝聚的电解质浓度转折点, 即临界絮凝浓度(CFC), 提供 了一个实验测定 CFC 的可能方法. 关键词: 动态光散射; 土壤胶体; 快速凝聚; 慢速凝聚; 动力学 中图分类号: O648 Dynamic Light Scattering Study on the Aggregation Kinetics of Soil Colloidal Particles in Different Electrolyte Systems ZHU Hua-Ling LI Bing XIONG Hai-Ling LI Hang* JIA Ming-Yun (College of Resource and Environment, Southwest University, Chongqing 400716, P. R. China) Abstract: Soil colloidal aggregation kinetics was studied at different concentrations of KNO3 and Mg(NO3)2 by dynamic light scattering. By analyzing the change in light intensity and effective diameter of aggregates with time, we conclude that: (1) The stability of the light intensity in an aggregation process is a basis for judging if the collision is dominated either by Brownforce or gravity; (2) With different electrolyte systems, soil colloidal aggregation exhibits a fast diffusion-limited cluster aggregation (DLCA) character or various slow reaction limited cluster aggregation (RLCA) characters and a gravity sensing electrolyte concentration exists in RLCA; (3) The aggregation characters induced by two electrolytes are essentially similar but the aggregating process is more sensitive to the Mg (NO3)2 electrolyte concentration change than to KNO3. By analyzing the change of average aggregation velocity with electrolyte concentration, the turning point where electrolyte concentration changes from slow to fast aggregation is designated as the critical flocculation concentration (CFC). A new method for measuring the CFC experimentally is thus provided. Key Words: Dynamic light scattering; Soil colloid; Fast aggregation; Slow aggregation; Kinetics 在 胶 体 化 学 中, 带电胶体的凝聚过程可用 DLVO 理论来描述[1]. 由于双电层的作用, 胶体颗粒 间存在一个排斥势垒, 只有当胶体颗粒间的长程范 德华引力位能大到足以克服该排斥势垒时, 胶体颗 粒的凝聚才发生. 胶体的表面电位、体系的温度、电 解质类型及浓度等条件都会影响该排斥势垒的高 低, 从而决定胶体凝聚的概率. 由于电解质不影响范 德华引力, 可以在悬液中加入电解质压缩双电层, 降 低排斥势垒, 从而使胶体凝聚. 借助计算机模拟, 人 们得到了关于胶体凝聚的大量信息. 基于布朗运动 1225
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