异位妊娠 抑生制死 意外死 accidental death.death from accident 缢沟 furrow,groove 缢颂后迟发性死 delayed death after hanging 缢死(吊死) death from hanging 阴道损伤 injuries 阴茎的创伤与离断 of the vagina wound and severing of the penis 阴茎的折断 fracture of the penis 阴茎绞窄 incarceration of the penis 阴茎皮肤剥脱 denudation of the penis 阴茎损伤 阴茎脱位 阴囊及睾丸损伤 injuries of the scrotum and testis 印痕样损伤 patterned iniury 印痕状擦伤 natterned abrasion 婴幼儿猝死综合征 sudden infant death syndrome,SIDS 硬脑膜外热血肿 extradural heat hematoma 陋脑随外血脚 epidural hematoma 硬脑膜下血肿 subdural hematoma 永久性创道 permanent wound track 晓点性出面 petechial hemorrhage 原发性脑死亡 primary brain ea 陌发性心靴停止 ac arrest 远距离枪创 primary cardia distant gun-shot wound 砸压伤 tamp inju 早产儿 preterm infant 早期死后变化 early postmortem changes 掌击伤 injury by palm 整体死亡 somatic death 支气管哮喘 bronchial asthma 肢体断离 mhe 致命伤 deadly wounds 致伤物的认定 identification of the instrument causing the trauma 致伤物的推断 estimation of the instrument causing the trauma 室息 asphyxia 客息死 中毒性室息 asphya death 中间性脑 挫伤 inner cerebral trauma 中间障碍物 intermediate tarset 中距离枪创 medium-distance gun-shot wound 蛛网膜下腔出血 subarachnoid hemorrhage异位妊娠 ectopic pregnancy 抑制死 death from inhibition 意外死 accidental death, death from accident 缢沟 furrow,groove 缢颈后迟发性死亡 delayed death after hanging 缢死(吊死) death from hanging 阴道损伤 injuries of the vagina 阴茎的创伤与离断 wound and severing of the penis 阴茎的折断 fracture of the penis 阴茎绞窄 incarceration of the penis 阴茎皮肤剥脱 denudation of the penis 阴茎损伤 injuries of the penis 阴茎脱位 dislocation of the penis 阴囊及睾丸损伤 injuries of the scrotum and testis 印痕样损伤 patterned injury 印痕状擦伤 patterned abrasion 婴幼儿猝死综合征 sudden infant death syndrome,SIDS 硬脑膜外热血肿 extradural heat hematoma 硬脑膜外血肿 epidural hematoma 硬脑膜下血肿 subdural hematoma 永久性创道 permanent wound track 瘀点性出血 petechial hemorrhage 原发性脑死亡 primary brain death 原发性心跳停止 primary cardiac arrest 远距离枪创 distant gun-shot wound Z 砸压伤 tamp injury 早产儿 preterm infant 早期死后变化 early postmortem changes 掌击伤 injury by palm 整体死亡 somatic death 支气管哮喘 bronchial asthma 肢体断离 dismemberment 致命伤 deadly wounds 致伤物的认定 identification of the instrument causing the trauma 致伤物的推断 estimation of the instrument causing the trauma 窒息 asphyxia 窒息死 asphyxial death 中毒性窒息 toxic asphyxia 中间性脑挫伤 inner cerebral trauma 中间障碍物 intermediate target 中距离枪创 medium-distance gun-shot wound 蛛网膜下腔出血 subarachnoid hemorrhage
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