晚期死后变化 late postmortem changes 未成孰川 胃肠浮扬试验 premature hydrostatic test of stomach and bowe 胃肠损伤 injuries of the gastrointestinal tract 污垢轮 grease ring 捂死 smothering 物理性爆炸 physical xplosion 细胞性死亡 cellular death 先天性主动脉狭窄 congenital aortic stenosis 现场勘查 scene investigation 线形骨折 acture 小脑扁桃体疝 小脑幕裂孔疝 transtentorial hernia 心瓣膜病 cardiovalyular disease 心功能不全 cardiac insufficiency 心肌梗死 心,损伤 e hear 心性死亡 cardiac death 心源性休克 cardiogenic shock 心脏骤停 cardiac standstill 性虐待 sexual abuse 胸部损伤 of the ches 血酒精浓度 血液坠积 visceral hypostasis 血肿 hematoma 草样泡沫 mushroom-like froth 压擦痕 friction bruise.pressure bruise 压痕 impression marks 压迫胸腹部所致的案息 asphyxia due to overlay 亚急性死亡 subacute death 细是 smudging 羊水栓塞 amniotic fluid embolism 咬伤 bite mark 医疗过失纠纷 tangle from medical fault 医疗纠纷 medical tangle 医疗事故 medical ne ce,medical malpractice 医疗意外 medical accident 医学检验人 medical examiner 医源性医疗纠纷 iatrogenic medical tangle 胰损伤 iniuries of the pancreas 晚期死后变化 late postmortem changes 未成熟儿 premature 胃肠浮扬试验 hydrostatic test of stomach and bowel 胃肠损伤 injuries of the gastrointestinal tract 污垢轮 grease ring 捂死 smothering 物理性爆炸 physical explosion X 细胞性死亡 cellular death 先天性主动脉狭窄 congenital aortic stenosis 现场勘查 scene investigation 线形骨折 linear fracture 小脑扁桃体疝 cerebellar tonsillar hernia 小脑幕裂孔疝 transtentorial hernia 心瓣膜病 cardiovalvular disease 心功能不全 cardiac insufficiency 心肌梗死 cardiac infarction 心损伤 injuries of the heart 心性死亡 cardiac death 心源性休克 cardiogenic shock 心脏骤停 cardiac standstill 性虐待 sexual abuse 胸部损伤 injuries of the chest 血酒精浓度 blood alcohol concentration,BAC 血液坠积 visceral hypostasis 血肿 hematoma 蕈样泡沫 mushroom-like froth Y 压擦痕 friction bruise, pressure bruise 压痕 impression marks 压迫胸腹部所致的窒息 asphyxia due to overlay 亚急性死亡 subacute death 烟晕 smudging 羊水栓塞 amniotic fluid embolism 咬伤 bite mark 医疗过失纠纷 tangle from medical fault 医疗纠纷 medical tangle 医疗事故 medical negligence, medical malpractice 医疗意外 medical accident 医学检验人 medical examiner 医源性医疗纠纷 iatrogenic medical tangle 胰损伤 injuries of the pancreas
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