死后人为现象 postmortem artifacts 死后伤 postmortem injurie: 死后循环 cadaveric circulation 死套 loop with a fixed knot 死亡方式 manner or mode of death 死亡方式不明 manner of death unknown 死之机先 mechanism of death 死亡确认 determination ofdeath 死亡时间 time of death 死亡学 thanatology 死亡诱因 inducing cause of death 死因 cause of death 损伤 injury 损伤机带 mechanism of injury 损伤时间推断 dating of wound 锁孔状骨折 kevhole fracture Tardieu斑 Tardieu's spots 他余 homicide 他杀死 death from homicide,homicidal death 胎便小体 meconium corpuscle 胎头血肿 cephalohae om 糖尿病 diabetes mellitu 烫伤 scalding 体表平行条状挫伤(中空性皮下tramline bruises 出血、“竹打中空”、“铁轨样挫 伤”) 体位性室息 positional asphyxia 体温过低 hypothermia 条件致命伤 cond itional fatal trauma 铁轨样挫伤 train-line bruise.railway line bruise 铁路事故损伤 railway accident injury 捅创 poking wound 头皮擦伤 abrasion of the scalp 头皮挫伤 bruising of the scalp 头皮裂伤 laceration of the scalp 头皮损伤 scalp injuries 突发性生理性死亡又称抑制性 instar neousphysiologtcaldeathimhibitiondeath 推断死亡时间 estimation oftime of deat 拖擦伤 dragging injury 外伤性室息 traumatic asphyxia死后人为现象 postmortem artifacts 死后伤 postmortem injuries 死后循环 cadaveric circulation 死套 loop with a fixed knot 死亡方式 manner or mode of death 死亡方式不明 manner of death unknown 死亡机制 mechanism of death 死亡确认 determination of death 死亡时间 time of death 死亡学 thanatology 死亡诱因 inducing cause of death 死因 cause of death 损伤 injury 损伤机制 mechanism of injury 损伤时间推断 dating of wound 锁孔状骨折 keyhole fracture T Tardieu 斑 Tardieu’s spots 他杀 homicide 他杀死 death from homicide, homicidal death 胎便小体 meconium corpuscle 胎头血肿 cephalohaematoma 糖尿病 diabetes mellitus 烫伤 scalding 体表平行条状挫伤(中空性皮下 出血、“竹打中空”、“铁轨样挫 伤”) tramline bruises 体位性窒息 positional asphyxia 体温过低 hypothermia 条件致命伤 conditional fatal trauma 铁轨样挫伤 train-line bruise, railway line bruise 铁路事故损伤 railway accident injury 捅创 poking wound 头皮擦伤 abrasion of the scalp 头皮挫伤 bruising of the scalp 头皮裂伤 laceration of the scalp 头皮损伤 scalp injuries 突发性生理性死亡又称抑制性 instantaneous physiological death inhibition death 推断死亡时间 estimation of time of death 拖擦伤 dragging injury W 外伤性窒息 traumatic asphyxia
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