伤害死 death from malicious iniur 伤后存活时间 survival period after wounding 行性脊髓缺血性损伤 ascending ischemic injury of spinal cord 烧 burn 射出口 exit bullet wound 射创管 bullet wound track 射击方向 direction of fire range of fire 射击命中角度 projectile entry angle 射入口 entrance bullet wound 伸展创 extension wound 仔损伤 injuries of the kidneys 生活反应 vital reactio 生理性死亡 physiological death 生命体征 vital sign 生前伤 ante-mortem injuries 生物力学 biomechanics 生物学死亡 biological death 尸斑 livor mortis 尸臭 odor of putrefaction 尸碱 ptomaine 户供 rigor mortis.cadaveric rigidity 口蜡 adipocere 尸冷 algor mortis,cooling of the body 尸绿 greenish discoloration on cadaver 尸体解剖 autopsy 尸体痉挛 cadaveric spasm.instantaneous rigo 尸体现象 试切创 嗜铬细胞瘤 pheochromocytoma 树枝状纹 arborescent marking or dendritic pattern 刷状擦伤 brush abrasion 摔跌伤 tumbling injury 栓塞 embolism 水性肺气时 aqueous emphy sema 睡眠中猝死 nocturnal sudden unexpected death 瞬时空腔效应 temporary cavitation effect 撕裂创 tearing wound 死后变化 postmortem changes 死后分娩 postmortem deliver 死后化学变化 postmortem chemical changes 死后间隔时旧 postmortem interval.PMI 死后经历时间 the time since death.TSD 死后呕吐 postmortem vomiting 伤害死 death from malicious injury 伤后存活时间 survival period after wounding 上行性脊髓缺血性损伤 ascending ischemic injury of spinal cord 烧伤 burn 射出口 exit bullet wound 射创管 bullet wound track 射击方向 direction of fire 射击距离 range of fire 射击命中角度 projectile entry angle 射入口 entrance bullet wound 伸展创 extension wound 肾损伤 injuries of the kidneys 生活反应 vital reaction 生理性死亡 physiological death 生命体征 vital sign 生前伤 ante-mortem injuries 生物力学 biomechanics 生物学死亡 biological death 尸斑 livor mortis 尸臭 odor of putrefaction 尸碱 ptomaine 尸僵 rigor mortis, cadaveric rigidity 尸蜡 adipocere 尸冷 algor mortis, cooling of the body 尸绿 greenish discoloration on cadaver 尸体解剖 autopsy 尸体痉挛 cadaveric spasm, instantaneous rigor 尸体现象 postmortem phenomena 试切创 hesitation marks, hesitation wounds 嗜铬细胞瘤 pheochromocytoma 树枝状纹 arborescent marking or dendritic pattern 刷状擦伤 brush abrasion 摔跌伤 tumbling injury 栓塞 embolism 水性肺气肿 aqueous emphysema 睡眠中猝死 nocturnal sudden unexpected death 瞬时空腔效应 temporary cavitation effect 撕裂创 tearing wound 死后变化 postmortem changes 死后分娩 postmortem delivery 死后化学变化 postmortem chemical changes 死后间隔时间 postmortem interval, PMI 死后经历时间 the time since death, TSD 死后呕吐 postmortem vomiting
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