碾压伤 run 虐待儿童 虐待儿综合征 child abuse syndrome Paltauf斑(溺死斑) Paltaufs spots 泡沫器官 皮肤金属化 foaming orga electric metallization of skin 皮肤撕脱伤或剥皮创 avulsion injury of skin 皮革样化 parchment-like transformation 皮内出血 intradermal bruise 皮下出血 脾损伤 subcutaneous hemorrhage injuries of the spleer 0 气胸 pneumothorax 气压病 dysbarism 气压性损伤 barotraumas 前驱期 prodromal stag 枪弹创 gunshot wound 枪弹损伤 gunshot injury 枪口印痕 muzzle imprint 切创 incise 切线状射式 tangential fire 青壮年猝死综合征 sudden menhood death syndrome,SMDS 屈折枪弹创 deflected bullet wound 全脑死亡 total brain death 拳斗姿势 拳击伤 热痉挛 heat cramp 热损伤 thermal injury 热射病 heat stroke 热衰竭 heat exhaustion 妊娠高血压综合征 pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome,PIH 妊娠类过敏综合征 anaphylactoid syndrome of pregnancy 日射病 sun stroke 锐器伤 sharp instrument injury 散弹枪 shotgun 杀 infanticide 疝性脑挫伤 hemniation contusion碾压伤 run-over injury 虐待儿童 child abuse; child maltreatment 虐待儿综合征 child abuse syndrome P Paltauf 斑(溺死斑) Paltauf’s spots 泡沫器官 foaming organ 皮肤金属化 electric metallization of skin 皮肤撕脱伤或剥皮创 avulsion injury of skin 皮革样化 parchment-like transformation 皮内出血 intradermal bruise 皮下出血 subcutaneous hemorrhage 脾损伤 injuries of the spleen Q 气胸 pneumothorax 气压病 dysbarism 气压性损伤 barotraumas 前驱期 prodromal stage 枪弹创 gunshot wound 枪弹损伤 gunshot injury 枪口印痕 muzzle imprint 切创 incised wound 切线状射击 tangential fire 青壮年猝死综合征 sudden menhood death syndrome, SMDS 屈折枪弹创 deflected bullet wound 全脑死亡 total brain death 拳斗姿势 pugilistic attitude 拳击伤 Punching R 热痉挛 heat cramp 热损伤 thermal injury 热射病 heat stroke 热衰竭 heat exhaustion 妊娠高血压综合征 pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome, PIH 妊娠类过敏综合征 anaphylactoid syndrome of pregnancy 日射病 sun stroke 锐器伤 sharp instrument injury S 散弹枪 shotgun 杀婴 infanticide 疝性脑挫伤 herniation contusion
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