128 Northeast Asia Forum No.2,2015 Although in the short term China is difficult to get rid of the influence of the exchange rate politics,but China should realize the marketization of RMB exchange rate formation mechanism by accelerating institutional reform and structural adjustment.strengthening the consultation.coordination,and coop- eration with the U.S.government. Key Words:United States;China:Renminbi Exchange Rate:Exchange Rate Politics:Interest Groups Inclusive International Financial System and China's Strategy Selection:In the Perspective of International Monetary Power Structure XIE Xiao-guang ZH0 U Shuai·76· Abstract:In the new Chinese goverment diplomatic strategy layout.President Xi Jinping stressed building an inclusive intemational financial system in the ninth G20 leaders summit.which is a great historical significance to the delayed reform of the interational monetary system.Constructing a fair. inclusive,and orderly interational financial system needs a profound understanding of monetary power and the evolution of monetary relations among countries.From the international monetary power structure perspective.the paper makes in-depth analysis of China's monetary diplomatic strategy and RMB intemationalization strategy.It brings beneficial enlighte ment to transform Chinese national strength into monetary power and builds an inclusive intemational financial system. Key Words:Inclusive International Financial System:Monetary Politics:Monetary Power:International Monetary System;Monetary Relationship of East Asia:China's Monetary Diplomatic Strategy:Strategy Selection The Silk Road Economic Belt:Strategy or Tactic Underpinning the "Chinese Dream"? LI Xing·85· Abstract:The Silk Road Economic Belt and the "Chinese Dream"are tightly linked rather than isolated to each other.The essence of the construc- tion of the Silk Road Economic Belt is giving equal considerations to the east and the west,paying equal attentions to the south and the north,balancing the sea and the land,and connecting the interior and the exterior.It is innovation and priority of China's neighborhood diplomacy as well as strategic support and tactical guarantee of the"Chinese Dream".The Silk Road Economic Belt is constructed to let history serve reality.to exchange economy for politics.to exchange space on the land for time on the seaand to balance the weakness in sea power by superiority in land power.Instead of the simple duplication of the ancient Silk Road.the Silk Road Economic Belt covers a wider area and possesses richer connotation.Moreover.it is China's grand strategy and profound tactical conception facing the future. Key Words:Silk Road Economic Belt:Chinese Dream;Center of Eurasia:Eurasia Union:Russia:Strategy:Tactic The Strategic Research on Building the Northeast Asia Bridgehead Group of the"One Belt and One Road" LIU Guo-bin·93· Abstract:In the context of regional economic integration in Northeast Asia China proposed a new development idea that is"playing geopolitical and geographical advantages.participating in the cooperation of Northeast Asia actively and building the northeastern regions sn important hub and bridgehead in the opening of Northeast Asia".Through strategic thinking of building a bridgehead group in Northeast Asia.this paper explained its neces- sity.geographical advantages.and strategic significance in regional economic integration of Northeast Asia.Then the paper proposed such strategies:the bridgehead of the economic circle around the Sea of Japan,which centers on Hunchun,relying on the Tumen River Intemational Cooperation Demon- stration Zone and facing Russia.What's more.it will create the bridgehead of Bohai Rim economic circle.which regards the Dandong as the center. facing Japan and Republic of Korea.Still it will create the bridgehead of the inland circle of economic cooperation.which takes the Manchurian as the center.relying on hinterland of Russia and Mongolia,starting with the establishment of a reasonable and effective cooperation mechanism in order to build a good bridgehead group to provide assistance for the development of the regional economic integration in Northeast Asia. Key Words:Northeast Asia;Bridgehead Group:One Belt and One Road;Regional Economic Integration:Bridgehead of the Economic Circle Around the Sea of Japan;Bridgehead of Bohai Rim Economic Circle;Bridgehead of the Inland Circle of Economic Cooperation National Security of Great Powers in the Perspective of Complementary Interests: AmericanEconomic Strategy Towards Russia Germany and Its Consequences HUANG Qi-xuan·103· Abstract:With the end of the Cold War,the United States was left with a strategic opportunity which could tum Russia into a cooperative partner. Similarly.the U.S.had an opportunity to make Gemany,the largest war machine in Europe,an ally after WWIl.Nonetheless.America's economic strategy towards Russia and West Germany and its consequences were totally different.The strategy towards Russia has failed,as the relations between Russia and the U.S.have become increasingly alienated and even antagonistic sometimes.In contrast.America's strategy towards West Germany succeed- ed in tuming an adversary into an ally.This paper suggests that the United States has implemented a passive economic strategy towards Russia.neither al- lowing debt relief,nor providing timely aid.The economi difficulties in Rusia have brought about political predicaments.which result in negative per- ceptions of the west among Russian elites and mass.Thus.the U.S.has lost a possible partner.On the contrary.the U.S.helped Germany's economic reconstruction by proposing Marshall Plan witha large amount of foreign aid.This economic strategy benefited the U.S.eventually.In this sense,thena tional interests of great powersare complementaryeven between competitors.With the changing structure of interational securitythe scope of interests of great powers is expanding.Complementary interests are becoming more salient in world politics.To serve their own national interests,great powers should take care of national interests of other countries,including those of its competitors. Key Words:Rusian Reform:American Foreign Strategy:Complementary Interests:National Security:Reconstruction of Germany:Marshall Pln: Realist Political Economy Deepening China-ROK Strategic Partnership:Policy Space.Challenges.and Counter Measures BI Ying-da·116· Abstract:Deepening China-ROK strategic parmnership is of great practical meaning to the implementation of Neighbor Supporting Srategy and the rebalance of the strategic containment from the U.S.China should take active measures to face multi-challenges,such as accelerating the construction of China-ROK FTA.rebalance bilateral trade and investment,and strengthening industrial cooperation.Implementing direct monetary transaction is the first priority and then gradually push the development of AIlB with ROK.As to the DPRK nuclear issue and the unification of Korean Peninsula.China should guide ROK so as to make reasonable choices and resolve the problems peacefully as soon as possible.China should also try to dissolve the national hatred between the South and the North by eliminating historical dispute by taking advantage of "regional specialty".At the same time."Public Opin- ion Trap"should also be avoided to make sure Sino-DPRK relations be stable and develop simultaneously. Key Words:Strategic Partnership:Neighbor Supporting Swrategy:DPRK-ROK Relation:Sino-ROK FTA;Asia and Pacific Strategy of the U.S.:AIIB ?1994-2015 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House.All rights reserved.http://www.cnki.netAlthough in the short term China is difficult to get rid of the influence of the exchange rate politics,but China should realize the marketization of RMB exchange rate formation mechanism by accelerating institutional reform and structural adjustment,strengthening the consultation,coordination,and coop⁃ eration with the U.S. government. Key Words:United States;China;Renminbi Exchange Rate;Exchange Rate Politics;Interest Groups Inclusive International Financial System and China’s Strategy Selection:In the Perspective of International Monetary Power Structure XIE Xiao-guang ZHOU Shuai·76· Abstract:In the new Chinese government diplomatic strategy layout,President Xi Jinping stressed building an inclusive international financial system in the ninth G20 leaders summit,which is a great historical significance to the delayed reform of the international monetary system. Constructing a fair, inclusive,and orderly international financial system needs a profound understanding of monetary power and the evolution of monetary relations among countries. From the international monetary power structure perspective,the paper makes in-depth analysis of China's monetary diplomatic strategy and RMB internationalization strategy. It brings beneficial enlightenment to transform Chinese national strength into monetary power and builds an inclusive international financial system. Key Words:Inclusive International Financial System;Monetary Politics;Monetary Power;International Monetary System;Monetary Relationship of East Asia;China’s Monetary Diplomatic Strategy;Strategy Selection The Silk Road Economic Belt:Strategy or Tactic Underpinning the“Chinese Dream”? LI Xing·85· Abstract:The Silk Road Economic Belt and the“Chinese Dream”are tightly linked rather than isolated to each other. The essence of the construc⁃ tion of the Silk Road Economic Belt is giving equal considerations to the east and the west,paying equal attentions to the south and the north,balancing the sea and the land,and connecting the interior and the exterior. It is innovation and priority of China’s neighborhood diplomacy as well as strategic support and tactical guarantee of the“Chinese Dream”. The Silk Road Economic Belt is constructed to let history serve reality,to exchange economy for politics,to exchange space on the land for time on the sea,and to balance the weakness in sea power by superiority in land power. Instead of the simple duplication of the ancient Silk Road,the Silk Road Economic Belt covers a wider area and possesses richer connotation. Moreover,it is China’s grand strategy and profound tactical conception facing the future. Key Words:Silk Road Economic Belt;Chinese Dream;Center of Eurasia;Eurasia Union;Russia;Strategy;Tactic The Strategic Research on Building the Northeast Asia Bridgehead Group of the“One Belt and One Road” LIU Guo-bin·93· Abstract:In the context of regional economic integration in Northeast Asia,China proposed a new development idea that is“playing geopolitical and geographical advantages,participating in the cooperation of Northeast Asia actively and building the northeastern regions as an important hub and bridgehead in the opening of Northeast Asia”. Through strategic thinking of building a bridgehead group in Northeast Asia,this paper explained its neces⁃ sity,geographical advantages,and strategic significance in regional economic integration of Northeast Asia. Then the paper proposed such strategies:the bridgehead of the economic circle around the Sea of Japan,which centers on Hunchun,relying on the Tumen River International Cooperation Demon⁃ stration Zone and facing Russia. What’s more,it will create the bridgehead of Bohai Rim economic circle,which regards the Dandong as the center, facing Japan and Republic of Korea. Still it will create the bridgehead of the inland circle of economic cooperation,which takes the Manchurian as the center,relying on hinterland of Russia and Mongolia,starting with the establishment of a reasonable and effective cooperation mechanism in order to build a good bridgehead group to provide assistance for the development of the regional economic integration in Northeast Asia. Key Words:Northeast Asia;Bridgehead Group;One Belt and One Road;Regional Economic Integration;Bridgehead of the Economic Circle Around the Sea of Japan;Bridgehead of Bohai Rim Economic Circle;Bridgehead of the Inland Circle of Economic Cooperation National Security of Great Powers in the Perspective of Complementary Interests: AmericanEconomic Strategy Towards Russia & Germany and Its Consequences HUANG Qi-xuan·103· Abstract:With the end of the Cold War,the United States was left with a strategic opportunity which could turn Russia into a cooperative partner. Similarly,the U.S. had an opportunity to make Germany,the largest war machine in Europe,an ally after WWII. Nonetheless,America’s economic strategy towards Russia and West Germany and its consequences were totally different. The strategy towards Russia has failed,as the relations between Russia and the U.S. have become increasingly alienated and even antagonistic sometimes. In contrast,America’s strategy towards West Germany succeed⁃ ed in turning an adversary into an ally. This paper suggests that the United States has implemented a passive economic strategy towards Russia,neither al⁃ lowing debt relief,nor providing timely aid. The economic difficulties in Russia have brought about political predicaments,which result in negative per⁃ ceptions of the west among Russian elites and mass. Thus,the U.S. has lost a possible partner. On the contrary,the U.S. helped Germany’s economic reconstruction by proposing Marshall Plan with a large amount of foreign aid. This economic strategy benefited the U.S. eventually. In this sense,the na⁃ tional interests of great powers are complementary,even between competitors. With the changing structure of international security,the scope of interests of great powers is expanding. Complementary interests are becoming more salient in world politics. To serve their own national interests,great powers should take care of national interests of other countries,including those of its competitors. Key Words:Russian Reform;American Foreign Strategy;Complementary Interests;National Security;Reconstruction of Germany;Marshall Plan; Realist Political Economy Deepening China-ROK Strategic Partnership:Policy Space,Challenges,and Counter Measures BI Ying-da·116· Abstract:Deepening China-ROK strategic partnership is of great practical meaning to the implementation of Neighbor Supporting Strategy and the rebalance of the strategic containment from the U.S. China should take active measures to face multi-challenges,such as accelerating the construction of China-ROK FTA,rebalance bilateral trade and investment,and strengthening industrial cooperation. Implementing direct monetary transaction is the first priority and then gradually push the development of AIIB with ROK. As to the DPRK nuclear issue and the unification of Korean Peninsula,China should guide ROK so as to make reasonable choices and resolve the problems peacefully as soon as possible. China should also try to dissolve the national hatred between the South and the North by eliminating historical dispute by taking advantage of“regional specialty”. At the same time,“Public Opin⁃ ion Trap”should also be avoided to make sure Sino-DPRK relations be stable and develop simultaneously. Key Words:Strategic Partnership;Neighbor Supporting Strategy;DPRK-ROK Relation;Sino-ROK FTA;Asia and Pacific Strategy of the U.S.;AIIB 128 Northeast Asia Forum No.2,2015
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