7.1 Foundations of Training and Leaming 263 Training Design Characteristic Learning Transfee Outcomes Outcomes .Generalization and maintenance Trainee Work Characteristics Environment .Support Motivation .Cimate FIGURE7.1 Characteristic Affecting Leaming and Transfer Outcomes AdaptedfmBaldnFord .K.)ransferf:A reviewanddirections fo future reseaPr 41,63-105.Copynght1988by Penone Psychology.Reprinted by permssion of John Wley &SonsLtd In a meta-analysis spanning 85 years,Schmidt and Hunter (1998)found that"g"had a validity of +.56 in predicting training outcomes.A recent meta-analysis of 90 German studies indicated that the validity of "g"in predicting training performance was slightly lower in German samples but was nevertheless comparable to results found in U.S.samples (Hulsheger,Maier,Stumpp,2007).Although there are few empirical studies of training in China or India.it would be interesting to examine these relationships in those countries. As mentioned in Chapter 3,one could hypothesize that training is less important in China and India because these countries have such a large labor pool,but this has yet to be exam. ined.Overall,research indicates that'g"is important for predicting performance in train- ing,which in turn is related to performance on the job.Assessing cognitive ability before training can be useful in grouping individuals based on their readiness to learn the material. For example,with a group of trainees of widely varying cognitive ability,high-ability train- ees will be bored,whereas low-ability trainees will have trouble keeping pace with their peers.With a group of trainees of similar ability,training facilitators can proceed through material at a pace appropriate to the backgrounds of the participants (Fleishman Mumford,1989). Another indicator oftrainee readiness is goal orientation.Individuals with a performance Performance orientation orientation are concerned about doing well in training and being evaluated positively.They Cnentation in which perceive their abilities as somewhat fixed,and they are generally not open to learning envi- ndu are concerned ronments in which errors and mistakes are encouraged.They direct their energy toward utdoing well in training 时being evauated performing well on tasks,often at the expense of learning.Performance-oriented learners postrvely are often sensitive to feedback.which can lead them to reduce their efforts and goals in chal- lenging situations (Farr.Hofmann,Ringenbach.1993:Tziner,Fisher,Senior,Weisberg. 2007).In contrast.individuals with a mastery orientation are concerned with increasing 山astery o时ientation 0ea城n0whh their competence for the task at hand,and they view errors and mistakes as part of the learn- nd加由are concered ing process.Mastery-oriented individuals are flexible and adaptable in learning situations, with incrrasing their which is particularly critical for learning dynamic tasks and complex decision making G球tme每the task (Phillips Gully,1997). d合的ewe姓的d An additional indicator of readiness is the trainee's experience level.Inexperienced t流sas part of the trainees with lower ability generally benefit more from longer and more structured training lnarning process Scanned by CamScannerScanned by CamScanner
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