上海交通大学硕士学位论文 spouse,chastity view and the marriage.Based on the analysis of the present situation of females'love and marriage,trying to achieve the combination of theory and practice,and hope to make some suggestion on guiding education on the attitude of love and marriage of female postgraduates. KEY WORDS:female postgraduates,attitudes towards love, choosing spouse,chastity view,marriage,guidance -V- 万方数据上海交通大学硕士学位论文 - IV - spouse, chastity view and the marriage. Based on the analysis of the present situation of females’ love and marriage, trying to achieve the combination of theory and practice, and hope to make some suggestion on guiding education on the attitude of love and marriage of female postgraduates. KEY WORDS: female postgraduates, attitudes towards love, choosing spouse, chastity view, marriage, guidance 万方数据