拓窟学生 Readins 的国际化 of 视野,具有 assigne materia 对多元文 Applications of & and 化的包容课程目 nanobiotechnology II Discussic 心态,胸怀标8 articipa 天下,以增 ion in discuss 进全人类 n 福祉为己 任 注1:建议按照教学周周学时绵排。 注2:相应章节的课程思政融入点根据实际情况填写。 “考核方式 作业(70%)+考试(30%) (Grading) (Grade Constitution):Homework(70%)and Final Exam (30%) 参老资料: ing textbook may be used "Plant Biotechnology and Agriculture-Prospects for the 2Century"(2012 First Edition).Eds.Arie Altman and Paul Michael Hasegwa.Elsevier "救材域参考资Publishing.ISBN978-0-12-381466-l. (Textbooks However,students will not be required to purchase this books because specific &Other urse handouts will be provided to stude from curent and relevant sour om refereed publications accessible via the internet. Handouts related to nanobiotechnology will be provided,students wil be required to read a number of published papers before and after the class 其它(More) 备注(Notes) 任 8 Applications of nanobiotechnology II 4 Lectures & Discussio ns Reading of assigned materials and participat ion in discussio n 拓宽学生 的国际化 视野,具有 对多元文 化的包容 心态,胸怀 天下,以增 进全人类 福祉为己 任 课程目 标 8 注 1:建议按照教学周周学时编排。 注 2:相应章节的课程思政融入点根据实际情况填写。 *考核方式 (Grading) 作业(70%)+考试(30%) (Grade Constitution):Homework (70%) and Final Exam (30%) *教材或参考资 料 (Textbooks & Other Materials) 参考资料: The following textbook may be used as a reference: ”Plant Biotechnology and Agriculture- Prospects for the 21st Century” (2012, First Edition). Eds. Arie Altman and Paul Michael Hasegwa. Elsevier Publishing. ISBN 978-0-12-381466-1. However, students will not be required to purchase this books because specific course handouts will be provided to students from current and relevant sources from refereed publications accessible via the internet. Handouts related to nanobiotechnology will be provided; students will be required to read a number of published papers before and after the class. 其它(More) 备注(Notes)
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