36 ALKANES remaining carbon and the chlorine as a-CH,Cl unit, and fill in the remaining bonds with hydrogen substituents Epichlorohydrin 2.26(a) ofen is b) Mandelonitrile is (CH,),CHCH, CHCOH 2.27 Isoamyl acetate is RCOR’( ester) which is CH3 COCH, CH, CHCH3 Ethylbutyl 2.28 Thiols are characterized by the-SH group n-Butyl mercaptan is CHiCH,CH,CHSH 2.29 a-Amino acids have the general formula NH3 The individual amino acids in the problem have the structures shown CH,CHCO (CH3),CHCHCO +NH (a) Alanine (b) valine (c, d) An isobutyl group is(CH,),CHCH,, and a sec-butyl group is CH,CHCH,CH3 The structures of leucine and isoleucine are O CH O (CH3),CHCH, CHCO CHCH,CHCHCO Back Forward Main Menu TOC Study Guide Toc Student OLC MHHE Websiteremaining carbon and the chlorine as a GCH2Cl unit, and fill in the remaining bonds with hydrogen substituents. 2.26 (a) Ibuprofen is (b) Mandelonitrile is 2.27 Isoamyl acetate is 2.28 Thiols are characterized by the GSH group. n-Butyl mercaptan is CH3CH2CH2CH2SH. 2.29 -Amino acids have the general formula The individual amino acids in the problem have the structures shown: (c, d) An isobutyl group is (CH3)2CHCH2G, and a sec-butyl group is The structures of leucine and isoleucine are: Leucine (CH3)2CHCH2CHCO NH3 O CH3CH2CHCHCO NH3 O Isoleucine CH3 CH3CHCH2CH3 CH3CHCO NH3 O (CH3)2CHCHCO NH3 O (a) Alanine (b) Valine RCHCO NH3 O CH3COCH2CH2CHCH3 O CH3 RCOR (ester) O Methyl 3-Methylbutyl which is H CH OH C N (CH3)2CHCH2 CHCOH CH3 O H H C H C O CH2Cl Epichlorohydrin 36 ALKANES Back Forward Main Menu TOC Study Guide TOC Student OLC MHHE Website
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