足少阴肾经the kidney meridian of foot Shao Yin足厥阴肝经the liver meridian of foot Jue Yin足三阳经3 Yang meridians of footthe gallbladder meridian offoot ShaoYang足少阳胆经the urinary bladder meridian of foot Tai Yang足太阳膀胱经足阳明胃经the stomach meridian of foot Yang Ming奇经八脉8 extraordinarymeridians督脉Du meridian任脉Ren meridian冲脉Chong meridian带脉Dai meridian阴脉Yin Chiao meridian阳脉Yang Chiao meridian阴维脉Yin Wei meridian阳维脉Yang Wei meridian十四经穴the points of 14meridians经外奇穴the extraordinary pointsto insertthe needle by stretching the skin with舒张进针法finger速刺法method ofrapid insertionoftheneedle足少阴肾经 the kidney meridian of foot Shao Yin 足厥阴肝经 the liver meridian of foot Jue Yin 足三阳经 3 Yang meridians of foot 足少阳胆经 the gall bladder meridian of foot Shao Yang 足太阳膀胱经 the urinary bladder meridian of foot Tai Yang 足阳明胃经 the stomach meridian of foot Yang Ming 奇经八脉 8 extraordinary meridians 督脉 Du meridian 任脉 Ren meridian 冲脉 Chong meridian 带脉 Dai meridian 阴跷脉 Yin Chiao meridian 阳跷脉 Yang Chiao meridian 阴维脉 Yin Wei meridian 阳维脉 Yang Wei meridian 十四经穴 the points of 14 meridians 经外奇穴 the extraordinary points 舒张进针法 to insert the needle by stretching the skin with finger 速刺法 method of rapid insertion of the needle
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