14.Onion peel appearance s in? a. Osteoclastoma c.Chondrosarcoma b.Osteosarcoma d.Ewing's sarcoma 15.Figure of 3'appearance is seen in? a.Coarctation of aorta C.TOF b.TGV d.All of the above 16.Oligemic lung fields are seen in? a.TOF c.Pulmonary stenosis b ASD d.Both A&C 17.Hair onein skullray is characteriatic of a即 anemia b.Hemochromatosis d.Thalassemia 18.Most important investigation for posterior urethral valve is? a.Micturation cystogram c.Retrograde cystogram b IvP d.Plain X-ray 19.Ulcer crater on barium X-ray examination indicates the diagr osis of? c.Duodenal ulcer b.Duodenaldiv lum d.Duodenalstricture 20.Gamma camera in nuclear medicine is used for a.Measuring the radioactivity c.Monitoring the surface contamination Organ imaging d.Radioimmuneassay 21.The cranial nerve readily visualized on CT images 22.All are true about intracranial hematomas except Acute hematoma appear hyper dense on CT &.金adural hm c.Acute subdural hemorraghe appears as toma appears as a hyperdense in sulcal spaces basal cisterns lenticular shaped extra-axial collection d.The comm est site for hypertensive bleed is 23.Which of the following foreign bodies can be visualized ra hically a Glass Plastic b.Wood d None 24.Contrast media of choice in investigating a suspected case of ileal perforation Barium sulphate ement of a Rt ventricle c Rt atri b.Lt ventricle d.Lt atrium 26.Following rena cacare radiopaque except U acid Triple ph sphate d.Staghorn calculus 27 Radiat are made up of a.Copper c.Lead b.Silver d.Tin 28.Which radiations is nost harmful to body a.Alpha particlc d.a rays 29.Int rays ie th c.Diagnoses treats the disease using the imaging modalities imaging modalities b. Treats the disease like a physician d.Guides the physician for treating the disease 30.In color Doppler color depends on trength of returning ech Frequen14.Onion peel appearance is seen in? a. Osteoclastoma c. Chondrosarcoma b. Osteosarcoma d. Ewing’s sarcoma 15. ‘Figure of 3’ appearance is seen in? a. Coarctation of aorta c. TOF b. TGV d. All of the above 16.Oligemic lung fields are seen in? a. TOF c. Pulmonary stenosis b. ASD d. Both A & C 17.Hair on end appearance in skull X- ray is characteristic of? a. Sickle cell anemia c. Megaloblastic anemia b. Hemochromatosis d. Thalassemia 18.Most important investigation for posterior urethral valve is? a. Micturation cystogram c. Retrograde cystogram b. IVP d. Plain X- ray 19.Ulcer crater on barium X- ray examination indicates the diagnosis of? a. Gastric carcinoma c. Duodenal ulcer b. Duodenal diverticulum d.Duodenal stricture 20.Gamma camera in nuclear medicine is used for a. Measuring the radioactivity b. Organ imaging c. Monitoring the surface contamination d. Radioimmuneassay 21.The cranial nerve readily visualized on CT images a. I b. II c. III d. IV 22.All are true about intracranial hematomas except a. Acute hematoma appear hyper dense on CT b. Extradural hematoma appears as a lenticular shaped extra-axial collection c. Acute subdural hemorraghe appears as hyperdense in sulcal spaces & basal cisterns d. The commonest site for hypertensive bleed is basal ganglia 23.Which of the following foreign bodies can be visualized radiographically a. Glass b. Wood c. Plastic d. None 24.Contrast media of choice in investigating a suspected case of ileal perforation a. Barium sulphate b. Gastrograffin c. Dionosul viscous d. Lipoidol 25.Angle of tracheal bifurcation is increased in enlargement of a. Rt ventricle b. Lt ventricle c. Rt atrium d. Lt atrium 26.Following renal calculi are radiopaque except a. Uric acid b. Calcium oxalate c. Triple phosphate d. Staghorn calculus 27.Radiation protection shields are made up of a. Copper b. Silver c. Lead d. Tin 28.Which radiations is most harmful to body a. Alpha particle b. Beta particle c. Gamma rays d. X rays 29.Interventional radiologist is the person who a. Diagnoses the disease using the imaging modalities b. Treats the disease like a physician c. Diagnoses & treats the disease using the imaging modalities d. Guides the physician for treating the disease 30.In color Doppler color depends on a. Strength of returning echo b. Relation of transducer to blood flow c. Frequency of Doppler used d. Types of Doppler machine use
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