176 LeDOUX In the case of an affectively charged stimulus,such as a trigger of fear,the same sorts of processes s will be called upon as for stimuli without emotional implica ons.but in a on.working memory will become ware of the act thatth when aded to perceptua and mnemonic information about the object or event 网f盟o How the Brain Might Make Feelings Immediately Present Stimuli Immediate Conscious Experience (working memory?) (current) Figure8 Conscious experiences toreflect the working memory kind of king memory rather than sult of som imme ring long-term explict m The ther hiouldcom abou similarly butoud ot eesariynvov176 LeDOUX Immediate Conscious Experience (working memory?) Amygdala-Dependent Emotional Arousal (current) Hippocampal-Dependent Explicit Memory Immediately Present Stimuli How the Brain Might Make Feelings Figure 8 Conscious experiences are often said to reflect the contents of working memory. In this sense, a conscious emotional experience may not be that different from any other kind of conscious experience. The difference would be more in the systems that are pro￾viding inputs to working memory rather than in the mechanisms of consciousness itself. In the case of fearful experiences, or fearful feelings, the conscious emotion may be the result of some immediately present stimulus triggering long-term explict memories and amygdala activation. The simultaneous representation in working memory of the outputs of these three, and perhaps other, systems may be the stuff that fearful feelings are made of. Other feelings would come about similarly but would not necessarily involve the amygdala. In the case of an affectively charged stimulus, such as a trigger of fear, the same sorts of processes will be called upon as for stimuli without emotional implica￾tions, but in addition, working memory will become aware of the fact that the fear system of the brain has been activated (Figure 8). This additional information, when added to perceptual and mnemonic information about the object or event, could be the condition for the subjective experience of an emotional state of fear (LeDoux 1996)
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