Number of links in a random network P(L):the probability to have exactly L links in a network of N nodes and probability p: The maximum number of links in a network of N nodes. N(N-D)_L P(L)= (1-p) Binomial distribution... Number of different ways we can choose L links among all potential links. Network Science:Random GraphsNumber of links in a random network P(L): the probability to have exactly L links in a network of N nodes and probability p: Network Science: Random Graphs P(L) = N 2 æ è ç ö ø ÷ L æ è ç ç ç ö ø ÷ ÷ ÷ p L (1- p) N(N-1) 2 -L The maximum number of links in a network of N nodes. Number of different ways we can choose L links among all potential links. Binomial distribution
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