14921534 1588160716201754-6017651770 1773177 417761776-8317811787 Townshend Acts(1767)《汤森德法》 In 1767.Charles Towns new British Prime Ministe Townshend Acts,accor Parliament enacted new on colonial imports of tea The law required that the used to pay crown official making them independen assemblies that had prev salaries.Townshend Acts (1767)《汤森德法》 • In 1767, Charles Townshend Charles Townshend (1725–1767), the new British Prime Minister proposed the Townshend Acts Townshend Acts, according to which Parliament enacted new duties to be collected on colonial imports of tea, glass, and paper tea, glass, and paper. The law required that the revenues raised be used to pay crown officials in the colonies, thus making them independent of the colonial assemblies that had previously paid their salaries