窈兮冥兮,其中有精 其精甚真,其中有信 自今及古,其名不去, 以阅众甫 吾何以知众甫之状哉?以此。 Profound it is,dark and obscure; Things'essences all there endure. Those essences the truth enfold Of what,when seen,shall then be told. Now it is so;it was so of old. Its name--what passes not away; So,in their beautiful array, Things form and never know decay. 吾何以知众甫之状哉?以此 How know I that it is so with all the beauties of existing things?By this (nature of the Tao). 甫,古代在男子名字下加的美称,后指人的表字(亦作“父”) 台~(询问别人名号的礼貌用语)