《动物生产学》课程教学大纲(2020版) 课程基本信息(Course Information) ◆学时 课程代码 32 学纷 20 (Course Cod Hours) (Credits) 课程名称 (中文)动物生产学 (Course Name) (英文)Production of Animal 课程类型 专业必修课 (Course Type 授课对橡 (Target 动物科学专业本科生 Audience】 授课语言 (Language of 全中文 Instnction) “开课院系 农业与生物学院 (School) 先修课程 动物科学专业 后续课程 基础类必修课 (post) 专业类必修课 “课程负责人 课程网址 孟和 (Course (Instructor) Weboage) 本课程是针对动物科学专业本科生开设的专业类必修课程。课程分为绪 课程简介(中 论、家盒生产、养猪生产、养生生产四大章,围绕家盒生产、养猪生产和养生 (Description) 生产主线,使学生了解动物生产基本原理、掌握动物生产的基本环节和基本 并能运用动物生产理论和技术解决生产实践问题。 It's a required course of animal science specialty for undergraduate,and consist of 4 chapter which are introduction,production of poultry,production of pig and production of cattle.The aim of course is introduction to the fundamental, 里程简个(英procedure and contents of animal production.It is useful for students systemi nderstand to the knowledge of life science,beneficial to improve the abilityo tudents in the industry of animal production.《动物生产学》课程教学大纲(2020 版) 课程基本信息(Course Information) 课程代码 (Course Code) ASCI4403 *学时 (Credit Hours) 32 *学分 (Credits) 2.0 *课程名称 (Course Name) (中文)动物生产学 (英文)Production of Animal 课程类型 (Course Type) 专业必修课 授课对象 (Target Audience) 动物科学专业本科生 授课语言 (Language of Instruction) 全中文 *开课院系 (School) 农业与生物学院 先修课程 (Prerequisite) 动物科学专业 基础类必修课 后续课程 (post) 专业类必修课 *课程负责人 (Instructor) 孟和 课程网址 (Course Webpage) *课程简介(中 文) (Description) 本课程是针对动物科学专业本科生开设的专业类必修课程。课程分为绪 论、家禽生产、养猪生产、养牛生产四大章,围绕家禽生产、养猪生产和养牛 生产主线,使学生了解动物生产基本原理、掌握动物生产的基本环节和基本内 容,并能运用动物生产理论和技术解决生产实践问题。 *课程简介(英 文) (Description) It’s a required course of animal science specialty for undergraduate, and consist of 4 chapter which are introduction, production of poultry, production of pig and production of cattle. The aim of course is introduction to the fundamental, procedure and contents of animal production, It is useful for students systemic understand to the knowledge of life science, beneficial to improve the ability of students in the industry of animal production
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